Friday, July 23, 2021

Well I'm through chapter 36 and just starting chapter 37 there's 12 hours and 19 minutes left
So I'm officially more than halfway through

I really like it
But I wish there weren't sex scenes
And that he wasn't talking so much about breasts
Because it's a little bit disconcerting
I mean it's like he really doesn't understand women at all
And his sex scenes are very unsexy

I mean in some of the earlier books where he was talking about women's ears and stuff that was cool
But I wish we were at that level
Maybe it'll all turn out to be good somehow
But it's just a little cringy

A lot of people who did reviews of this book really didn't like the 13-year-old girl
And we're very put off by the whole conversation about breasts and breast development
But I'm not entirely certain that that's an unrealistic conversation at all

But I'm just really curious at this point where the commendatore went
And my expectation is that he's probably gone over to The girl whose name I forgot how to spell the 13-year-old
Because she heard the bell
And I think that's got to mean something
And I would not have gone down into the well in the middle of the night I don't know what the f*** he was thinking
I mean that just seems like an opportunity for some big strong person to come and be like haha and take the ladder
Goodnight sweetheart I love you very much 💋