Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Well I didn't go to bed early tonight
I've been listening to the book
I'm on chapter 20 in about a third of the way through at least as far as I could tell

I was trying to find other self-help law of attraction type stuff because the Abraham Hicks isn't really doing it for me anymore
And Mary Kate I don't know
She's a little too blonde and a little too perky and I don't know she didn't really do it for me either

So I was thinking about cholla
Back in the '70s she was involved with or took classes from or something
Silver mind control method
And she was pretty into it
I mean every time she would say anything that was kind of like negative self-talk or whatever she was like cancel cancel
Which is I guess a technique they used I don't know
So I look to see if they still had it you know cuz that was a while ago and there were some videos
So I'm checking those out

I'm a little disconcerted
About certain things
Felt like maybe you thought I was bitching too much
And anyway all that dream interpretation seemed a little bit interpreted and personal
Tell with the combination of those two things I just felt better taking it down

I was legit going to make a vision board but
And when I went to work on it I didn't really feel like trying to put you know I don't know what are you supposed to put on vision boards houses and cars and money and stuff like that I feel like

Like what I really wanted to manifest was less about physical objects and more about ideas and feelings and whatnot The yellow pages they need a lot more I think but the other two pages might be mostly done

But yeah if you want to mock me just don't I don't respond well to it and I'm not in a place where I feel open to that

Goodnight sweetheart I love you very much