So last night I couldn't really sleep
I had these ideas for moving furniture around
And I just couldn't shut off my brain
And then I couldn't get comfortable
And my back hurt
And I would start to doze off
But then something would happen The cat would climb on me
Or I would have to pee
Or I don't know what but I just couldn't get to sleep
And then I finally got to sleep really around the time that I needed to get up
And I was maybe going to go to the studio with my mom
But I texted her and was like I didn't get any sleep I just can't
Plus I had a bad headache too
And it's rained
It's raining now
It keeps saying thunderstorms
And it was only tentative to go into the studio cuz my mom didn't want to be driving around in the rain
It's really funny because
After Harvey it's like almost everybody here is kind of PTSD about rain
But the way that I slept or didn't sleep last night I had that a lot as a kid I had a lot of problems with insomnia because I just couldn't stop thinking couldn't quiet my brain
Whereas for the last I don't know more than 20 years generally if I lay down I fall right to sleep
Cuz I'm just really tired or whatever I guess but
The challenge is getting me to go lay down
Could have been taking melatonin
And that's been successfully getting me to sleep more like 1:30 than 5:00 or 6:00
But yesterday I didn't want to take melatonin because it makes it hard for me to wake up
But I took melatonin tonight
And I'm not feeling all that drowsy
But I slept late whatever so I don't know
I'm fixing to go to sleep
And I didn't actually do any of the things
The moving stuff around
Because I did sleep late
And then I had a headache
And whatever
But I've got it pretty nailed down I feel like I know what I'm doing
I do have this one thing that I'm not sure where I'm going to put it
It's one of those little carve-tie cabinets with the little mirror tile things on it with birds
And I've had it for I don't know 21 years
I got it in the year 2000
But at my last place I had this whole altar thing set up and that was part of the altar
And then here I've got it on top of my chest of drawers which are kind of tall just a drawers
So sitting in my chair I can see it across the room
And I really like that
But I also have this wood thing set up on the corner that I'm obsessed with that
It looks kind of like I don't know Driftwood or something but it's it also looks kind of like wings it's free form it goes really well with that bowl that I have on the yellow thing
And at first I thought I would put it between the two chest of drawers and put my sculpture thing which is an African sculpture but it's got kind of the same vibe somehow
But the wall just doesn't really long enough to separate the chest of drawers and put that in between it and it didn't look good it wasn't wasn't right I tried it a while back
And I found a place to put the sculpture which doesn't really feature it but it's stable so I don't have to worry about it falling down so I may just leave it where it is
But I'm thinking about moving the chest
Cuz I feel like the wood thing works better with the vibe I'm going for there with the '70s things and I feel like having both of them there kind of detracts from both of them like means that neither one of them really looks right they both kind of fight against each other although the wing thing would probably look amazing on top of the chest but the ceilings aren't that tall they're both about the same height
So I'm thinking about moving the chest to the bedroom
And at first I thought maybe I would put it on top of the empire table but then I had this brilliant idea that was part of the epiphany last night I think I'm going to put the impart table kind of beside the bed
Not like bedside table beside the bed cuz I have these two West elm bookshelves on either side of the bed and then the bed actually is from a Kia but it's got almost the same sort of pattern so it looks as though they're designed to go together which is kind of cool
But I'm pretty sure I can put the impart table against the wall slightly away from the bookcase kind of window adjacent
And I can put the painting that I got at Joshua tree the first time on the wall and my vase that looks like a cactus from the Potter's guild on the empire table and this Mexican pottery bird thing that I have so I mean that wasn't what I was going to do originally on the empire table I was going to do a collection of black objects but I had that epiphany last night
Initially I thought I would just put the pottery vase on the yellow shelves but it's really heavy and although you know I'm sure those shelves are sturdy and all I mean it probably weighs 40 or 50 lb and I just didn't want to push it Said it's a little bigger also
And then the other part of the epiphany was I have this chair that I bought at a garage sale like I don't know 30 years ago and I'm thinking about getting rid of it
But it comes from the shamrock hotel and I had it outside on the patio at my last place which it's not an outdoor chair so that wasn't a really good idea but I had it under the covered part and it didn't really get that wet except it did a little bit so it's kind of degraded in structural integrity a little but I spent a lot of time sitting outside in that chair you know doing tarot and writing and thinking about you
So I'm not 100% sure I want to get rid of it and it won't fit in my car so it's not like I can take it and donate it someplace I would have to just take it out to the dumpster and I don't know I just feel like if I'm going to get rid of that chair I want to make sure it gets a good home so I've been very conflicted
And then I have this little cafe table that comes from Starbucks they got rid of those old ones and got new ones and so they were like you know do whatever you want with the old ones we don't want them so I brought one home and that was the table I sat out outside in that chair so they don't go together but they kind of go together and I keep moving that table around and it just doesn't have any place where it has the use You know I tried to make it kind of a decorative table but it just ends up being a dumping spot for mail and whatnot
And I have this lamp that has a really funky lamp shade that I had down here on top of this cabinet but then somehow the plug that I plugged it into didn't work and you don't really need a light there and whatever so I moved it away from there I have the sculpture the 3D mask that I showed you before there and so I'm like well you know maybe I have to get rid of this lamp doesn't really have a home
But then I had this epiphany about setting up that chair as a place to sit and read in my bedroom and then having that table right next to it with the lamp on it and I'm pretty sure that'll all fit
Now will I sit there and read I don't know
Is that the best use of the space I don't know
But I have all those things
It doesn't involve buying any more things
So I have these things that I'm resistant to get rid of I may as well set them up see how it works and if it's like well no I really don't want these items they really don't work for me well then at least I will have you know tried it and I'll have maybe a little less resistance to get getting rid of them
I'm not really sure what this bedroom is going to look like when I get done with it
And I'm not sure if I can manage to fit the Thai cabinet in there as well
But I just thought of a couple more places I could try it out if it doesn't work there so
We'll figure it out
I can show you some of these items I'm talking about but the areas have things staged on them so they are not in their final locations so just know that I know that they don't look good the way they are