Monday, October 14, 2024

Texas Campfire Tape
is the correct name
or maybe it's tapes
I literally just 
looked it up
am somehow not sure

I sometimes want to listen to the one where she
sets the field on fire

I don't really remember what it's about 
I just remember 
it was a special song

CONVEYED something 

but I don't even KNOW 
did I connect with it
or did it hold
the key to

I saw her live
& I don't really remember the show
it was one of a very few

I feel like 
I should remember it

she went KINDA crazy 
& kinda got cancelled 
& I can never
find it on YouTube 

LOOKS like 
it might be on Spotify 

I don't want to deal with Spotify 

I'm NOT saying 
it's not user error or is

I'm all turned around 
MIGHT just be me