Wednesday, December 1, 2021

So in addition to the seven books I read last month
I read parts of like I don't know four or five more books that I just couldn't get into
So I don't know this month I think I'm going to set my goal for eight books
But I think some of them I'm going to actually read read instead of just listen to
But I've started on a Japanese another Japanese mystery audible was having a sale and so I got
It's called midsummer's equation
By keigo higashino
And this is actually not the first book in the series it's like the third book in a series
But with mysteries a lot of times you can pick up a book that's in the middle of the series and still enjoy it he has a bunch of books so if I like his writing there are I don't know 15 books or something
Not all in the same series
Just for clarification
Sometimes I need clarification
This is my telling you about my reading stuff might not be interesting to you but it's kind of a big deal to me because I used to read all the time constantly and then somehow I got out of it
I think maybe it was when I was working so much
Did I just got to be reading less
And I had a hard time finding things that I wanted to read
You know because like last month I read seven books but they were five I started that I didn't read and some of those I'll go back and read later but some of them I probably won't
And I'm kind of trying to analyze what it is about a book that makes it something I want to continue to read
And there is like a minimum requirement of a certain amount of writing style
But that isn't the only thing that's like a necessary but not sufficient kind of thing
So I'm telling you about this stuff for its own sake not to be trying to tell you something else

I love you very much sweetheart