Friday, December 31, 2021

Okay I'm very hopeful that that promencil stuff is going to work
Because I took my first dose before I went to bed last night well I mean I took it as soon as I got it pretty much
And it's like a goddamn Christmas miracle
I'm not going to say I'm not tense at all
I'm confident I'm somewhat tense
But this is the most relaxed I've been in months
And I dream something I don't remember what but it was not about world market
Or Starbucks
Even though I read an article about Starbucks before I went to bed

So even though I didn't really get a lot of sleep
And actually feels like I got sleep
Although I guess I am still tired
I just feel like I got some rest

And I could breathe through my nose when I woke up I took four doses of the sinus calm I think is what it's called

Although I'm fixing to go to the grocery store and I am somewhat tense about that
But literally I feel like my shoulders haven't been this low for months