Wednesday, December 8, 2021

You know I've given you floss recommendations but now I have a toothpaste recommendation
I have used fluoride free toothpaste
Most of my life
And every once in awhile I throw in some fluoride just in case
Like hedging my bets you know is it toxic is it not toxic or your teeth not okay if they don't have fluoride you know who knows
Plenty of indigenous people with beautiful teeth who never used fluoride
Plenty of people who've used fluoride toothpaste that have bad teeth
I don't think fluoride is like the answer
It does harden teeth I mean that's been scientifically proven
But it's fluoride good for your body
To be honest with you I just kind of believed the health foodie people and assumed it was not and maybe that wasn't right but whatever you know

But recently I have been all into Japanese stuff and somehow in the course of that I can't remember why or where or for what reason I found out that Japanese people in Japan mostly don't use fluoride toothpaste it's not recommended by their doctors what is recommended instead is nano hydroxyapatite
Which is allegedly the stuffed teeth are made of so if you brush with that it like fills in all your little holes and you know builds up your teeth and remineralizes them blah blah blah

And I haven't vetted that either like I haven't looked up all the scientific research and whatnot I just believed people
The toothpaste I've been using for years that I really like was out of stock and I needed something different and so I thought well I'll try this but I got a brand called Roswell no not Roswell risewell thank you except that should have been capitalized too but whatever and it's kind of a selfie product it looks really pretty but it's expensive and as I started using it I realized it's got some things that aren't the best about it like it's in a plastic tube so it doesn't squeeze down so it's really hard to tell how much you have left in there and it didn't seem to have that much I mean I went through it a lot faster at least I think I'm almost out of it I'm not really sure but it's not wanting to come out now so I don't know not really any way to squeeze the tube down and get the last little bit out
And it's kind of a gel-like texture but not like a thick gel like a kind of a thin gel and it's got a very delicate mint flavor it's okay I mean I don't hate it I like it but I was like well it seems to be almost empty so let's try something different because this has some issues so I don't think it's the winner so I found this one
and I really really like it
It's got a paste texture that's not exactly the same texture is like your crest or pepcid or whatever but it's a nice texture I like it I like it better in fact than traditional toothpaste texture and it's got a more assertive flavor it's got it's got some baking soda in it it's got peppermint oil spearmint oil anise seed extract and wintergreen oil as well as some stevia and it's got xylitol which birches really good for your teeth as well it's ant i-cavity really anti-cavity oh now you'll say anti-cavity okay and it's got calcium carbonate and silica plus the baking soda so it's it's a little bit whitening it says for sensitive and whitening but you know I find that my teeth are not naturally white they're naturally kind of translucent and so then when they get stained they have a tendency to look not the most beautiful so when something whitens my teeth I notice it pretty much right away and I've been using this for about I don't know 3 days and my teeth already look really good to me so obviously it's not the only nanohydroxy appetite toothpaste but it's a big too tube tube and it's good it's enjoyable oh and it comes with a tube key for you to roll down on the end of it which I haven't had to do yet because I've only been using it for 3 days but that is cool thing

But if you're going to buy it just be careful cuz there are a bunch of different kinds of David toothpaste most of them aren't nanohydroxy appetite but there is another one that's hydroxyapatite that's got charcoal in it
And if you can brush with charcoal toothpaste then you win
Because I could not do that I tried it's supposed to be whitening and so good for you and whatever but it just I cannot The flavor the texture the mess all of those things are just a big uhuh for me

Hope you're having a good day sweetheart πŸ’‹