Saturday, December 11, 2021

Well I just got up and apparently whatever I read right before I go to bed my brain is going to take as a writing prompt
So I created this whole additional career for myself which I didn't I don't think work the whole career in my dreams but it was my last day I was quitting it was my last day it was a Wednesday and I was working until 12:30 and it was basically Starbucks I guess I read about Starbucks right before I went to bed as well
But I was working with a girl who wasn't anybody I worked with in real life and I was reading we weren't busy and I was reading and then I fell asleep and I woke up and it had been busy the whole place was just wrecked and I'm like were you busy and she's like yes and I'm like why didn't you wake me up and she's like she just kind of shrugged at me
And I felt really bad but I like you know cleaned up

And then I went across the street to get food or something I don't know and I came back and I knocked on the office door which is not something that I would have done it was contrary to policy

And Rebecca opened the door
And she was in there with the guy who was the corporate person who was supposed to be signing off on my transition
He was based on the guy who was my manager at the bookstop
But he was much older but I guess he would be much older in real life too if he still alive
He was a character in real life
In this we were having a talk and I was asking him about you know what you're supposed to do and he's like he confirmed for me that you're not supposed to do anything except make life easier for yourself
And I never did that
I always hated that about all the people I worked for and I tried not to do that
But here in this dream it seemed like nobody was behaving as though I had ever done anything nice for them
And some woman came by and left a message for the new manager and assistant manager to come by and set up some kind of an account at darque tan
Which is the local tanning place or it was I'm not sure if it's still open

I had everything set up for their store meeting which apparently they were having a store meeting and immediately upon the assistant manager becoming the manager to you know get everybody on the same page and whatever and I went out onto the deck and she was having a meeting with the not the whole store but I guess the supervisory staff or something and I'm like you know hey it's only 5 minutes after 12:00 I haven't left yet and we still have to do our transition stuff

And she's like well you know
This is more important
Or something

I just felt like all my time spent there had been just for nothing and now I didn't know what I was doing or where I was going I just knew I had to leave there
We're just kind of how I felt when I left this last place except I had to leave this last place because I mean did just wasn't any other decision that made sense to me

So my head hurts and I'm all congested and I'm kind of crampy too
Not my best morning in a while

That was just weird