Sunday, December 5, 2021

Okay so when I said good night last night I went and gotten to bed but I could not fall asleep so I just lay in bed for like 4 or 5 hours and then I said f*** it I'll just get up

And I had a couple things I needed to do so I did those and then I fell asleep in the chair but leaning back and made my neck very stiff and sore so that's fun

And then I woke up and said oh I fell asleep in the chair
And then I proceeded to fall asleep in the chair again
It gets dark too early now I don't like that

Anyway I think since I've well I mean I guess I can't say I've been up for more than 24 hours cuz I was just asleep for some amount of time but prior to being asleep for some amount of time I was up for 24 hours a little more than 24 hours I think but I'm disoriented and exhausted so so much for my oh I can totally stay up for 24 hours thing
I think sometimes I can but I think the fact that I went and laid down for 4 or 5 hours made my body think I was supposed to be asleep but then I wasn't so I don't know I'm all turned around

I'm going to go to sleep I'm probably not going to do it right this second but I'm going to go ahead and say good night because I don't trust myself to realize that I didn't do what already

I love you very much sweetheart πŸ’‹