Friday, December 31, 2021

It sounds like there's a whole huge fireworks display going on but I'm pretty sure there isn't a professional fireworks display I'm pretty sure well I was pretty sure that there wasn't a professional firework show that it was just people setting off fireworks and I mean fireworks have been going off intermittently since 8:30 which makes no sense why set them off at 8:30 I mean you're in the city limits you shouldn't be setting them off anyway but if you're going to 8:30 is not the time

So I mean now it's the time it just sounds like too many to be one person or a few people setting them off but I just can't imagine where they could be setting off of professional fireworks display I went outside and I can't see anything it it looks really smoky and foggy and I hear a ton of fireworks my cat is freaking out but I don't see anything

I was going to try to make some sort of you know wish or resolution or something but I'm really not sure exactly what to say you know I want everything to be good but I hesitate to qualify exactly what I think that is because nothing has gone the way I expected it to go I mean I hope everybody doesn't get sick but f*** ton of people are getting sick so it seems pointless to say that

I hope I hope that you remain healthy and if you have to get sick then I hope that it's very mild and uncomplicated
That you don't have to go to the hospital and that you don't have any permanent damage and that it's like just no big deal I would rather that you didn't get sick at all

I Hope 2022 is better
I hope that we move towards happiness and health and enlightenment
And that our problems are that too many good things are happening and we don't have enough time to schedule proper gratitude for all of them

I love you sweetheart
Happy New Year πŸ’‹