Thursday, December 9, 2021

Well I went to sleep watching a clip from Spalding Gray swimming to Cambodia
Where he's talking about being on the train and the guy telling him about working in the waterproof basement with the green button and how he's a swinger and he gets an erection thinking about launching nuclear missiles to destroy the Soviet Union

And I woke up thinking about the pina colada song

Oh there's a way in which the pina colada song represents a sort of '70s romanticism

I mean if you think about it
Here are these people that are presumably married to each other but perhaps not perhaps just living together and they're both kind of tired of each other and they want romance and you know this very kind of personal ad idealized version of what they like right
Pina coladas
Getting caught in the rain
Champagne over health food
Making love at midnight in the dunes by the cape

Just a very idea that you would write a personal ad like that and someone wouldn't answer it and then you would run off and have this romantic adventure right

So he goes to the bar to meet the woman who's answering his personal ad
And it turns out to be his old lady
So here they've been in this relationship and they never knew about each other that this was what they were both secretly longing for right

Well I mean inherent in that is that they were both actually with the right person all along they just didn't do enough to find out about the person they were with to know that they were perfect for each other

So it's all about communication and therapy and whatnot all of a sudden
But it's also about a couple who were trying to cheat on each other
And there's a complexity in that
That even though it's a super cheesy song
Actually contains
Like the possibility of actual
Something you know

As opposed to the idea you know don't sit under the apple tree with anyone else but me
Well that's you know romantic and all
But it posits the romance in a different way
There it's like calling back a nostalgia of you know we sat under the apple tree and had this beautiful picnic or make out session or whatever we did under the apple tree
And A) don't do that with anybody else cuz we're now the exclusive property of each other but also B) if you sat under the apple tree with somebody else even if you weren't doing it in the same capacity because with the exclusive property of each other you would be denigrating the memory of that experience so like don't sit under the apple tree with your sister or your best friend either because that's our special spot

So then suddenly that doesn't become so very romantic it becomes kind of gross

So it's like turning it on its head you know The piΓ±a colada song it starts off ostensibly kind of gross and anti-romantic but actually it has the potential of resolution in a way that is actually romantically humanly fulfilling you know and I'm saying we've acknowledged that we aren't the exclusive property of each other and in seeing that we could be with somebody else if we wanted to we find that the somebody else we want to be with is actually each other

And that's the kind of things I think about

Good morning sweetheart
I'm going to go make some coffee and see if the cat has any food left in his dish
I suspect he does
Because he hasn't been hassling me