Sunday, August 19, 2018

i went to the ironwing tarot
did a relationship spread
which was genius
because it can either be read
we are both on the same page
depending on how you interpret

my lovers pairs your marriage
my shaman of air pairs your world dancer

shaman of air is king of swords
you're usually king of swords if there is a king of swords
from back at the renaissance festival readings

then if you're king of swords
then i'm the emperor

which would make you the lovers
and me marriage

then that's more entwined than i thought
that's gotta be lookin good for me then

the point of connection is this:

Seven of Spikes

A stag beetle and a pair of tiny flaming iron antlers crown a shaman's ornamental hair comb.  The antlers are shaped like those of the extinct Pleistocene Giant Elk Megaloceros.  Below are two Carbon Antlers or Candlesnuff Fungi (Xylaria hypoxylon) that grow on rotten or burnt wood and look like charred black antlers covered in white ashes.  The most experienced and powerful Siberian shamans once wore iron antlers on their caps as symbols of their ability to travel to the Otherworld, perhaps riding on the back of a deer spirit.  This iron comb, warmed with her spiritfire, protects the top of the shaman's head, where her soul can enter and leave her body.  It also protects her hair, since touching the hair can imply control over a person's soul.  It draws power like an antenna, bringing awareness of the life force in the smallest, highest tree branch and grounding it in the shaman's body.  She wins this ability through a journey that challenges her confidence as she travels, and stretches her imagination as she relates her story to others.  She who accepts the internal challenge of initiation enters a secret place to confront and claim power.

quoted from Online Free Reading from the Ironwing Tarot by Lorena Babcock Moore.

in a regular tarot it's seven of wands