Wednesday, April 2, 2014

in the spirit of trying to get more sleep, i just woke up

really, i was up slightly before eight
because i needed to put the trash out
they pick up once a week
which wouldn't be such a big deal
except the dumpsters are pretty far
and since i've been sick
i didn't get the trash out last week
and i haven't schlepped it to the dumpster
it was starting to stink

but after that
i lay back down
and went back to sleep

i'm really only now becoming coherent

i dreamed a couple a different things that i remember

before i woke the first time
i had given some paintings to
i'm not sure who she was
ex-landlord, maybe
someone i liked, at any rate
i got a message from her
that i didn't understand
so i went by
and she had transformed the building, completely

she had made the entire bottom floor
into a restaurant and bar
with a screened in patio
leaving only a little room for her to live in

that's what i hadn't understood
she was getting rid of
pretty much everything

she lost some money from the apartment that had been absorbed
but she had obviously increased the value
of the remaining ones
because this was the kind of place you would want to live above
there would be revenue from the restaurant
and bar

it seemed genius

after i fell back asleep
it was some sort of

i'm not sure what to call it
i think there was a war on
but maybe it was some sort of game

i remember targeting
someone being blown up
because they were too close to the target

but then mostly
i remember
being in the water
i guess
we had been dropped
near an island
there was some way to get quickly from one side to the other
but i don't remember exactly what it was
we were floating
balanced on those big exercise balls
different things were going to appear
like a simulation
yellow shark
purple ray
it was some kind of targeting exercise
this time it was in a beautiful
lagoon grotto

i don't think
i've ever dreamed about targeting before
or shooting anything even

i can't help but think
that's some sort of message

i love you
good morning, baby
er, afternoon