Saturday, March 30, 2024

I bought some BEETS
I'mma make a batch of what I'm CALLING
DRINKING borscht

I haven't made it for a WHILE
& I have different
PANTRY staples
I just got 
some kind of FANCY vinegar
THAT will end up
in there SOMEPLACE

SOUPS & legumes
whenever watermelon 🍉
comes back in season

OR maybe NOT
THAT sounds VERY sweet now

I had this IDEA
to REWORK my vegan
MAC & cheese*

rather than JUST 
using butternut squash 
to replace PART of the OIL
I want to REPLACE
MOST of the REST of the OIL**
with BEANS***

*which started out from a YouTube video from a vegan soul food restaurant in Atlanta but has been modified multiple times but this modification would take it completely out of that and I'd have to say it was my recipe 

**I already changed the kind of oil

***either great northern or fava but who am I kidding, if great northern beans work they are cheaper and easier