TK likes you
NOT Gary
I'm no fan of HIS
we know each other
well enough to give each other sh*t
THAT is true
HE GETS the community building
THIS is when I KNEW
I was gonna marry her
YEAH he reads the non-flattering emails
one of the great things about the show
NOTHING is explained
if you KNOW
you KNOW
CHUNKY not crunchy
PAUL SIMON is great
& WAS actually a very good guest
multiple times I saw
dreams really DO come true
road not taken
when I got the job at videocentral
back in my early twenties
I had ALSO applied to work
in the library at Rice University
& after I took the VC job
Rice called me
I had already accepted the job at VC
& I felt like that meant
I shouldn't interview for Rice
& SO much groundwork for my life
came from THAT VC job
over the years
would I have found
Dan Bern
Tori Amos
Melissa Ferrick
would I have
worked at Starbucks
&all the things that came FROM THAT
I feel like
THAT decision
MIGHT have led to a COMPLETELY different life
& whenever
I'm feeling like
I always go back to THAT juncture
idk what my most wasteful purchase was
I have a bunch of memories from early childhood
I mostly don't have any REAL
to determine
what happened WHEN*
*so I don't know what my "earliest" memory was