Thursday, March 28, 2024

if you are on MORE than ONCE
TK likes you
NOT Gary
I'm no fan of HIS

we know each other
well enough to give each other sh*t
THAT is true
HE GETS the community building

THIS is when I KNEW
I was gonna marry her

YEAH he reads the non-flattering emails

one of the great things about the show
NOTHING is explained
if you KNOW
you KNOW

CHUNKY not crunchy

PAUL SIMON is great
& WAS actually a very good guest
multiple times I saw

dreams really DO come true

road not taken
when I got the job at videocentral
back in my early twenties
I had ALSO applied to work
in the library at Rice University
& after I took the VC job
Rice called me
I had already accepted the job at VC
& I felt like that meant
I shouldn't interview for Rice
& SO much groundwork for my life
came from THAT VC job

over the years

would I have found
Dan Bern
Tori Amos
Melissa Ferrick

would I have
worked at Starbucks
&all the things that came FROM THAT 
I feel like
THAT decision
MIGHT have led to a COMPLETELY different life
& whenever
I'm feeling like
I always go back to THAT juncture

idk what my most wasteful purchase was

I have a bunch of memories from early childhood
I mostly don't have any REAL
to determine
what happened WHEN*
*so I don't know what my "earliest" memory was
