Thursday, October 15, 2020

So the plan is to vote tomorrow
I'm not going to plan to get there when the pool's open cuz I figure they'll probably be more busy first thing in the morning for people who have to go to work or be at zoom meetings or whatever

So I'm going to try to get there probably between I don't know 10:00 and 11:00 ish

And the information I looked at first was I think wrong because the address that's on hillcroft isn't a University of Houston campus that I didn't know anything about it's unity Church which I did know about although I didn't know it was a voting spot and I think it probably wasn't before because I would have voted there before rather than driving to spring Branch

The campus is an HCC campus and it's over very close to where I used to work which is to say pretty close to me also

they have drive-thru voting at that location
my mother is going to go there tomorrow and go to the drive-thru voting because she can't really stand in line and she would rather not be exposed to people which I agree with

there's also a Hampton inn that's over on the other side of the freeway from the galleria close to uptown Park I think
So if the unity turns out to be too crowded then I'll go to one of those other ones and maybe that's wrong maybe I should go at 7:00 in the morning
But I'm not going to
If everybody is all super packed at the time that I think they should not be then maybe I'll have to modify my plan and I might have to vote on another day but I don't think so I'm prepared to stand there for a long time and I don't think I'll have to all the Intel I'm getting is that it's pretty quick like literally everybody that I've heard talk about voting which is not very many people but everybody that I've heard of it's been like you know 15 minutes which is about what it would be normally

I have to go with my mother to her doctor's appointment on Monday well I guess I don't have to but she wants me to and if I'm going to have to be responsible for her then I need to actually know what's going on and I can't trust her to tell me that stuff so I pretty much have to go

And when she was talking about that with me I realized that in my mind the working with her was a distancing like I thought it was going to be better because I'd be working with her and she drives me crazy and whatnot but I'm used to the people I work with driving me crazy I thought that was somehow going to make it better but I'm not sure that that's actually what's going to happen cuz I'm having to call her like four times a day and not have to go to the doctor with her so

I don't know
She also seems to be developing a resistance to texting and once phone calls which I don't like

And I saw a map of the country where the states were the viruses on the rise are painted in red and the ones where it's stable or white and the ones where it's declining or I think green and now I'm in a green state but you're in a red state and the state you just left is white
So please please be careful
Also probably you've already looked into whatever the voting thing is in your state and you've probably already done whatever it is you need to do but if you haven't it looks like you've got until the end of the month actually to register although you might have to do it in person somewhere I'm uncertain about that just seems like there isn't a lot of lead time for mailing it to you or mailing something in and then having them mail something back to you Don't know I'm sure you do not trying to tell you your business I was just worried about you and that was one of the things I saw while I was researching

Really The trigger word was thrifting
Before that I wasn't worried at all

also I was thinking about what I told you about wearing the two different shirts and that doesn't really give a complete picture because I based my wearing of those shirts on a that they were comfortable one of them is a modal fabric that's really soft and really really feels good The other one is a rayon spandex blend which is also soft although not as soft as the modal but the little ruffles make me feel like a little ballerina which is the psychological
I would be less inclined to wear that out in public although I certainly have I wear them pretty regularly but I'm not certain whether I think they really look good on me it's just about how it makes me feel

and the even funnier thing is that although it is a habit of mine since I was I don't know how old a long time ago like at least in my 30s I started doing this if I find something that I really like I buy multiples of it because then I can switch those through and it extends the life of the garment by you know three times
But on this particular shirt it came in a lot of different colors and they were all really pretty and so I was going to get different colors but I ended up sending back the other colors and exchanging them for this one color because this was the only color that look good on me
Which doesn't make any sense
But it's kind of a very very pale taupe-y lavender and then it's got two little ruffle things around the bottom that are I don't know not tie-dyed like kind of like distressed dyed in kind of darker taupe-y purple

The shirt that I wear the most out well I don't know if there's one shirt but there is a shirt that I wear a lot that I bought I think I bought it on eBay and I don't know if it was new or used at the point when I bought it but it was an Eileen Fisher linen knit I'm not sure if it's sleeveless at this point I don't have it in front of me it's either sleeveless or like little kind of cap sleeves I think it's sleeveless and it's a black shirt that has a gold I hesitate to say foil it doesn't look like foil but it has a some sort of a gold on the top of the black and it is really lightweight and it's really breathable and I've always liked woven linens I'm not super crazy about just regular flat linen because it wrinkles really bad and it doesn't have a lot of stretch or give but it's cool and breathable but this shirt it doesn't wrinkle and I have a tendency to wear it and hang it up and it has to be hand washed but I've worn it a bunch of times and I don't wash it very much but I love it I super love it and I'm not even sure it looks good on me to be honest with you
When I saw you last no not when I saw you last when I saw you in January I took that with me and I wore other shirts and then I wore that one and on the day when I wear that one I'm like I don't think this really looks as good as the other ones do but I don't care because I just love it so much and I don't have three of those I just have one of those I looked and looked and I couldn't find anymore
Those Eileen Fisher are in collections and if you don't get them when they come out you know good luck
I also have it's a woven shell with kind of rusty orange kind of abstract flowers with some gray that I don't wear very much because I couldn't wear patterns to work I also got that from eBay I believe but I love that I can start wearing that
And you're never going to believe this but all of my favorite pants and skirt well I have I have a pair of pants that I really really like that are brown and I have some pants that I really really like that are rust but my kind of default favorite pants are like a pale taupe-y gray only this time instead of the purple kind of topi were talking about that Beige-y kind of taupe-y and my favorite skirt for years and years and years was an ankle length black knit skirt when I've been saying woven have I been saying woven because what I think I meant was knit it's not the same so it's linen knit shirts really shells tanks and my favorite skirt like by a lot like I wear that one more than anything is the color is called mocha but it's kind of a beige brown
So I think it's kind of funny that I went from wearing black to really liking more of a khaki type neutral
I have another shirt that I've worn quite a few times not recently but when I used to actually sometimes go out to eat it's also a sleeveless shell cuz I always wear these under jackets and we just can't be having all that arm fabric underneath the jacket just makes you bulk up too fast so it's a shell and it is kind of like a matte jersey fabric and it has a pattern on it with butterflies and it's got predominantly rust and turquoise shades it's got some other stuff but those are the two predominant colors and I typically I have this it's like a longer ballerina style sweater very very lightweight sweater that's a turquoise really light turquoise just a turquoise edge of Robin's egg blue say and it ties and the shell has it's like a faux wrap it ties and I really like that I like the way it looks on me I like the pattern I like the colors
So I'd say that I like those kind of khaki grayed khaki to brown I mean I actually prefer cool brown but I don't think what I have is predominantly cool brown
The jackets I've been predominantly wearing to work are a couple of jackets that I got and they're kind of oversized so they're loose so they hang really nice and they're Isaac mizrahi Pima cotton and they're really soft
so I guess you could say that my style and this doesn't come as any shock to me
Is predominantly that I want it to be comfortable and breathable and soft like a nice texture and that's like my predominant requirement but then I also want it to be pretty and look good on me or at least not make me look bad
And I favor those neutrals
But then I also really like rust and turquoise and like a really dark kind of gray purple
I have a jacket that I really like but I haven't worn it in a long time because I didn't want to get it messed up wearing it at work and also Susan gave me a really hard time for wearing it I don't know why it's a very simple boxy olive drab kind of canvassy looking jacket so it looks very much like some sort of army surplus except that it's not
It's not as thick as that and it's got pockets it's really it's pretty
And I wore it a few times with a yellow skirt that I have that I got in like 95 but I don't wear it very much because it's a pale color now that I got the yellow one and I got a black one and the black one has long since just you know died but I still have the yellow one and it looks really good with that jacket
And then I have a jacket I wore last year when I saw you but I doubt that you noticed it but it's a really thin cardigan but not like a sweater cardigan just like a cardigan that has an ombre pattern it's like green and gold it's really pretty I really like it and I have a another one that's a very similar style that's a solid color that I also didn't wear to work because I didn't want to get it messed up that's like a kind of a steely bluey gray

I'm sure those are not all of my clothes
Well I mean they're definitely not all of my clothes but those are the ones that are kind of popping out in my mind as being things I really really super enjoy to wear
I have a soft gray sleeveless Eileen Fisher sleeveless shirt I think it's cotton
Right now since it's not quite as hot I'm wearing a Navy I guess it's a shell it's kind of almost a sweatshirt fabricsomewhere between it's like a sweatshirt fabric but it's more like t-shirt weight and it's got very little structure to it it's a free people is that what it's called free people I think and it must be designed to be like huge on someone because I don't really think that they're extra large should have fit me but it's huge
I think I have two of those I got it at t.j Maxx
I have bought clothes on the home shopping
Mostly on clearance
But I always mostly bought clothes on clearance

when I was younger I used to go to Macy's when they would have those sales and I would stock up on stuff and I mean sometimes they would be 60 or 70% off of the original price
I have two skirts they are the same style but one of them is a well the reversible and on one side it's a black like just a mat kind of not a matte jersey it's like a matte crepe kind of and the other side is it's like a tie dye but it's a kind of a chiffony textured rayon or polyester and I was so excited that they were reversible but I've had them since probably 2000 maybe like 2002 or something but I mean I've had them like almost 20 years and they're like rock solid they were in heavy rotation for years and they're in pretty light rotation now because they're kind of warm to be honest but I only wore I think it was the brown one of whom's brown and one of them's like a lavender and I only wore it on the brown side like this year I think one of the times that I went out every other time I've worn them I've worn them on the black side and they don't look new but they look fine they look really good I would keep those I can't see myself ever getting rid of those
but I like them cuz I wear them on the black side and a little tiny bit just like maybe a half an inch of the chiffon shows at the bottom and it's like got this kind of fluttery edge but it's never been enough than anybody's been like you're not in a solid color you're not wearing black you know it's just like a little tiny bit like if it was a really long slip showing through or something I don't know it's it's very for me it's very feminine but it's pretty low-key
And I love that new coat that I got I hope I get to wear it out some this winter I hope it gets cold not super cold not like but you know it could get to like 50 that would be okay
It's kind of a it's not quite olive drab green but it's it's green and it's in that sort of neighborhood with some like kind of mustardy rusty plaid
I've got some Navy stuff too
But yeah that's kind of consistent

And you probably don't have any interest in my clothes or wardrobe choices

What I do on eBay is very much like thrifting it's just if I go to a thrift store they usually don't have a lot of things in my size and even if they do have a lot of things in my size it's still kind of unhappy because all the really awesome stuff is not going to be in my size but I seem to remember being somewhere with my mother I think it was brenham there was a thrift store that had some cool stuff in my size
oh I forgot about that outfit I wonder if it still fits me I have from back when I used to shop at Macy's I have a Ralph Lauren skirt and shirt it's like just a shell shirt and a just a plain old pencil type skirt and they're striped in you know those kind of Ralph Lauren colors it's got an Indian red and a mid-level blue and kind of a light forest green maybe maybe it's got a little bit of a yellow ocher or something I don't know but it's striped and I f****** love that outfit I got that back in the I want to say I got it in the '90s but I might have gotten it at the same time that I got the two skirts I don't know and I don't think it was on clearance either I think it was only like maybe 30% off or something but it was just so fine had to buy it but I don't wear it very often because you know I go to work and then I don't go anywhere else but but I love that outfit I think it's up in my closet somewhere I hope it has not been eaten by bugs I would cry I would cry if it's got holes in it
but I mean I haven't gotten rid of very many of my black clothes I took some of them to Goodwill but I wasn't sure it was going to stick you know so I didn't get rid of all the good stuff

Anyway I'm just rambling I'm not saying anything important and I hope you understand that I've just been talking to you I haven't been sending you coded messages or you know being all stealthy I've just been telling you what's going on

I love you very much sweetheart