Saturday, October 17, 2020

Well I'm trying to stay on date time
But I couldn't get up at 9:00 which is what time I was going to try to get up originally and then I thought I was awake by like I don't know 11:00 or something but I was looking at my phone and I had a headache and I guess I just passed out and went back to sleep so I woke up at I don't know about 2:00 and I'm not sure exactly what time I went to sleep I think it was four maybe it was five 4:30 I don't know something like that so two isn't really an unreasonable amount of time to sleep but I was not planning to sleep until 2:00 so now I'm up and I've had a little bit of coffee I'm going to have a little bit of more coffee I think and I had a couple of donuts that I got from the grocery store they are cake donuts with their so sweet they just put way too much sugar on those donuts and I forgot to put sugar in my coffee but I just went ahead and drank it like that anyway because it was so much sugar from the donuts that it kind of compensated
So I don't know I had stuff I was going to do today but I don't think I'm going to do it i was going to go through my drawers and take out any clothes well what I was going to do is I was going to kind of try everything on and if it didn't fit I was going to put it in one pile and if it fit but it was just something that I don't wear or that doesn't make me a static I was going to put in two different piles things that I was prepared to get rid of and things that were pending my being ready to get rid of them and so then I was only going to put stuff in the drawers that was stuff that I was actively wanting to wear right now but I think I'm probably not going to do that so maybe I will do that tomorrow so I'm going to try very hard not to stay up all night tonight so that maybe I can get a little bit of that stuff done tomorrow maybe a load of laundry
Next week is going to be a really busy week
Got to go with my mother to the doctor on Monday and assuming that she feels well enough we've got to do that stuff in her studio
She's got some kind of physical therapy or rehabilitation or something like 3 days next week I think and she had to be able to drive herself to it I believe and her new studio is very close to her doctor and the medical center and all that so The tentative plan is to do the studio stuff at least on those days because you should just be popping over and popping back and I think it's only an hour per session so I don't know but next week is going to be kind of challenging because I'm not used to leaving the house and going places and doing things you know it's going to be readjustment to the real world
except what I'm going to be doing is going to be very real-world like so you know it'll be interesting
