Thursday, October 29, 2020

I guess I was going to tell you about my day with my mom and I mean it wasn't bad or anything but I'm not going to it's also not interesting

But I guess I do want to tell you
I'm kind of worried
They're in court now trying to get the hundred thousand votes of the people who voted and drive-thru voting thrown out because it's not natural to vote in cars or some s*** like that
They're also trying to get the mask ordinance lifted for voting because apparently it violates some kind of human right to have to wear a mask while you're voting so it's like they want to have it both ways somehow
And they're literally saying things like well you know sometimes in life you just have to do things that aren't safe and it's like Jesus f****** Christ really really You should have to risk your life to vote
So I've already voted
But my mother did the drive-thru voting because at that point and even still now she's really too weak to stand in line to wait to vote for very long at all so the drive-thru voting was perfect for her but if she drove through and they throw out her vote it's not like she can vote again so it's b******* it's just b******* and I'm angry
actually I think it was 100 people in Harris county that drove through vote I don't know if other counties did drive through voting or not it was a new thing because of the pandemic but I mean I think we've proven in Texas that there's nothing you can't do and your big ass truck so why would drive the voting not be okay You can get your prescriptions to drive through You can buy liquor through drive-thru that was actually all before the pandemic drive through liquors been a thing for years not getting like margaritas in the drive-thru that's new but like buying beer and wine and spirits at a liquor store that had a drive-thru was the thing you could do
And I mean every time in my life I have voted they have just looked at my ID and looked at me and had me sign a book this time they took my ID and they put it on a scan or thing and they checked it in their computer and they made me take my mask off so they could see my face I mean you know they did that stuff in the drive-thru voting as well so I mean they certified that the people were the people and I just I can't see what possible justification they could have for throwing those votes out and I would like to say oh I'm positive that they will not allow them to do it but I'm not 100% sure
And then the thing that's really got me scared is that the governor has already called out the national guard on election day for Houston and Dallas now what the hell
I mean if he was calling it if he was calling for them to be in the streets when the votes were counted and people know who won that would still be kind of scary but I do think it's likely that they'll be some trouble one way or the other
although I'm not sure Houston and Dallas are the places I would expect the trouble maybe
But I don't think that's what they mean
I think they're going to be having people standing around with guns at election places sorry polling locations
I think it's more voter suppression
And for the record I have never liked the governor
well I liked the governor when Ann Richards was the governor
But I don't really think I've liked any of them since
and I don't really remember about the ones before but I kind of don't think I was crazy about them either
Ann Richards was good though
She get out Texan anybody
And she was funny

But Abbott I don't think he's getting reelected
Because the Democrats in the larger cities really resented that he wouldn't let the local authorities make mass ordinances
And then when he finally did make mass ordinances all the maga't were all over him yelling at him and giving her s*** about it
So there really is literally no one who thought he did a good job
If they're going to judge us in Harris county we'd be in good shape because the majority of the judges in Harris county are democratic judges that are running on opposed so I mean
But I'm sure they're going to the Texas supreme Court or at least district court not like local courts I don't know how far they've gotten on it they're probably some of their things are all the way to the supreme Court
But it's just unbelievable to me The degree to which they're trying to suppress voting
I'm just worried
And I'm not sure what to expect
And what I really want to happen is I really want the Texas vote to all be in
And they know that he won't win California
And I'd like it very much if he didn't win Florida but I don't know that might be asking for too much
But at least all the Florida vote will be in because they don't do the regular mail in ballots they do absentee ballot
Like Texas we don't have a bunch of mail in voting we only have absentee ballot and they were extra stringent this time about who could get absentee ballots
But like my mom didn't want to get an absentee ballot even though she could because she's old and she's sick she didn't want to do that because she was afraid it wouldn't get counted so now they were just trying to find another way to not count those people's votes
But I want for that vote to be in Tuesday evening for them to have all the vote and forbid two have won the state so that they can look at it and say well you know he's not going to win California even if all the vote isn't in yet and he's not going to win New York and he didn't f****** win Texas so you know no great landslide for the orange one you know I mean he needs to lose pretty convincingly so that there's not any kind of case that can be made for them to decide it in the supreme Court he's got it all stacked because he wants them to decide for him he wants them to say oh you know whatever they can do to mitigate on his behalf which is not not what the supreme Court is supposed to be for but is clearly what he thinks it's for
And it just needs to be a convincing convincing victory for Biden it just needs to be

I'm super tired and I should go to sleep but I'm just so nervous and I know what my reading said I know it said that it's all going to be fine I guess I'm just not convinced that it's all going to be fine
because I didn't say that because I believed it I said it because that's what the reading told me

Please be safe
Please know that I love you
I'm going to try to go to sleep