Sunday, October 4, 2020

I'm not going to my mom's studio tomorrow
She apparently still hasn't gone through her stuff
And quite frankly I wasn't sure I was up to it
Plus I really need to monitor the cat
I hydrogen peroxided his foot again
He's kind of limping around
And he is sleeping all the time
Which doesn't sound different
But it is
I think he's okay
But I don't want to just go away and leave him alone
Just in case I have to make a vet appointment
So I was trying to tentatively reschedule for Tuesday
And she's like well how about Saturday
So I'm not really sure why she wanted it to happen Friday
If she wasn't going to be ready until a week from Friday
But that's fine whatever
I also can't imagine that I'm not going to be monitoring the news pretty heavily

I reread that last thing I wrote
And it wasn't wrong I wasn't lying
But it sounds awfully dramatic
So I'm sorry to be so worrying

Can a Puerto Rican food it's kind of weird
Spices are actually more similar to what I use than what I thought I mean sofrito is very similar to pico de gallo
I love pico de gallo
and I shouldn't say it's weird what I mean by it's weird is not only does a lot of it have meat in it but a lot of it has multiple meats
Like they had this chicken that had a stuffing that had olives in it and I thought oh that sounds good or at least different very different than anything I've ever had and I like olives so I thought I'll give that a try then when I'm looking through the ingredients list it's kind of hamburger meat in it or ground sirloin or whatever
And I'm like what the f*** is the hamburger for
So I'm reading the directions and the hamburger goes in the stuffing like you're stuffing the chicken with stuffing but instead of using bread you're using ground beef
And I'm like okay that's gross
So I'm not going to do that I'm going to use bread well dried bagged breadcrumbs

And there are a lot of recipes like that
And I guess it isn't that strange I mean a lot of times people will put and do a sausage and gumbo
But I don't actually like that either so
So I guess what I'm saying is I'm not going to be making a lot of these recipes as they're actually written
They've got another spice that they use a lot
And you can buy it at the store
But it's like dye
I could supposed to be annatto
And they walked some annatto by it
but they also used yellow dye number five and red dye number what is that 40
I've been avoiding those like the plague since the '80s
But I did find a place I can order some annatto from 
but I think it's kind of funny when I was looking up online to find things that were substitutes for this spice The main one mentioned is slap ya mama
And I have a giant thing of that because I use that all the time just as my table salt
Like I used to buy it from work and smaller containers but when I went to the grocery store what they had was a 16 oz container so now I have a 16 oz container
Because there is almost nothing I would want to put salt on that wouldn't be better with this stuff on it comes from Louisiana it's got salt red pepper black pepper and garlic

And he prefers Hungarian paprika
But I stopped buying that when I discovered Spanish smoked paprika
Because smoked is better

But whatever
Cookbooks are just inspiration right
There are a bunch of recipes that use salted cod I think it's salted cod maybe it smoked salted cod
And I was very interested in that but they do not sell that at my grocery store
There's also some kind of interesting salad recipes
Not like meal salads which is usually what I would do but more like side salads
Although one that I guess would work for meal that I am definitely going to try is a tuna salad that's made with white beans and tuna
And I'm not necessarily a big bean fan
But that sounded kind of intriguing
He says she's Goya white navy beans
And only use progresso cannelli beans in a pinch but I'm not buying Goya and I like progresso just fine generally so I think I have all the ingredients for that probably I'll have that soon
I feel like I definitely need more plantains in my life I've had plantains
At restaurants
Cuban food
And I've had them as chips
I don't really eat chips that often and they're kind of thick for chips kind of extra crunchy the kind of thing you poke yourself in the gum with and then have a sore spot so they're nothing that I've really integrated into my food before
Because the way they were readily available is chips and really like not so much for flavor but for textural reasons and there aren't a lot of Cuban restaurants here
If I'm not going to have Tex-Mex food
To be honest I'd rather have Yucatan Mexican food and I don't go out that much
I'm sure there's a Puerto Rican restaurant here somewhere well I'm not actually sure of that I feel like we have more restaurants here than almost any place per capita so we probably do but I don't know where it is
And it's just not something I ever really thought about
To be honest with you I associate Puerto Rican culture very closely with New York
In my mind so I don't think it ever really occurred to me to look for Puerto Rican restaurant here

Sorry I feel like I'm babbling