Sunday, October 4, 2020

it's a long shirt, if i was young and thin maybe you'd call it a mini dress

 i'm worried about my cat

he got into a fight earlier


though i had the door open with the chain on

he couldn't get in

i guess because gray cat was keeping him

from the angle he needed to get in

i opened the door and went out to yell at gray cat

i'm wearing a shirt


a pair of boy shorts underwear

which i guess technically covers me


is not what i would consider dressed

gray cat just stares at me, not worried about me at all

i'm never feeding you again, i scream

as i finally distract him enough

that kitty can get away

he is covered with mud

he is bleeding from his paw

i got him cleaned up

i got him to stand in hydrogen peroxide

so hopefully he won't get an infection

he's had all those shots


even if gray cat has cat disease

which i've got no reason to think he does

kitty should be ok

he ate

and then he curled up on his blanket

and passed out

for hours

usually he's on me every two hours to feed him

when i got up to pee

he had no interest

when i got up this last time

he had disappeared from the blanket

i thought maybe he was in the kitchen

he was

i gave him food

and he had no interest

he's pretty aggressive about food

so, whenever he doesn't want to eat

i'm worried that he's having an episode

i hope you are ok

i hope the cat is ok

i hope nobody saw me

i wish i didn't feel like there were going to be

spiraling out of control type things

about to be happening at the white house

i feel uncomfortable with the level of the lying

although that hasn't actually changed

i love you very much

i feel like

A)  i need to run around screaming

B)  i need donuts

i feel a little crazy

i need to go to sleep

i'm going to my mom's studio on monday

she didn't really have things unpacked

and she needed to spend the day

doing things with her stocks


all the stuff we were going to do friday

still needs doing