Thursday, October 15, 2020

Oh yeah I forgot I was going to tell you something about my palette
I've changed some of the colors from what they originally were
and my original plan was to have all of the colors be things that I both enjoyed to paint with as they were and they were good for mixing so I took off a couple of the colors that were good for mixing but that I did not like painting with on their own
And that was all working good
but there was a color that I kept wanting to mix and I could mix it with what I had but it required mixing like four different paints I had to stage it so that I could get you know the color that I wanted and it was a little bit muddy because I had mixed so many colors together so I finally decided that what I really needed was like a blue violet

and I went back and forth and back and forth and back and forth about which blue violet and there's a color that's the right color it's called ultramarine violet but it's got ultramarine blue in it and it has granulation and I didn't want granulation because I already have a lot of colors that have granulation and I want to be able to make things without granulation and some of the things I wanted to do with this blue violet I would rather not have had the granulation
So then I was like well no those weren't won't work then
so I was vacillating back and forth between sennelier and schmincke and DaVinci
Which all had colors that were just about right it didn't have granulation then I kept looking at that manganese blue and that umber thinking about how much I like them and the way they paint and the vibrancy of the color and I said no you know what I want a whole bind paint so I went and looked through all the whole bind paints and they did not have exactly the color that I wanted they didn't have a blue violet they had well they I think they did actually but not without granulation or something I don't remember now but the one that I decided on after a lot of debate and trying to see videos of it was the permanent violet
And it is not so much something that I would paint with by itself it's very purple
However it mixes with everything in a way that gives me something that I either couldn't mix before or that I couldn't mix satisfactorily before
It neutralizes the yellows in such a way that they become soft and almost like a Naples yellow and it blends with that a lizard and gold to make this really cool brown orangey brown and it mixes with all the pinks and violets and it mixes with all the blues and it even did something interesting with the green which surprised me
So even though I doubt that I will have very many occasions to paint with it just straight and I did say that was something that I wanted I had determined there was something missing from my palette and that was the thing that I needed and I feel like I was right I feel like that that is a good inclusion that makes everything better
And then I watched that video whenever that was with the landscape painter who was showing I found her video when I was looking at purples and she recommended this violent burnt umber and I don't usually get burnt umber and I felt like that really I could mix it
Just a regular old per number but that color was so pretty and seemed to have so much utility just on its own without my needing to mix it that I just went ahead and ordered it from cheap Joe's it's his brand it's called American journey and everyone is pretty sure it's made by DaVinci and it is really really pretty it's much prettier than your typical burnt umber because it's got that violet from periling early and violet I think so like not only is it really pretty by itself and I swear to God if you dilute it down really really pale you could just use that as a skin tone on its own but it's really good I mean it doesn't really look like Caucasian skin tone You could use it for darker parts of Caucasian skin tone I guess but anything darker than Caucasian it's pretty awesome
And it neutralizes with the periline green to make this kind of warm gray that's really pretty and it mixes with a bunch of stuff really nice it's really really good so both of those one of them I bought not to use on its own when I had said I didn't want to do that and the other one I bought pretty much predominantly to use on its own so those were kind of cheater I guess
But I feel really happy about the colors that I've got now
And the extra colors that I don't have in my 18 palette are good colors I'm happy with them as colors and I might at some point get a larger palette and then I'll put them on there but I feel like 18 colors is enough to have on your everyday palette you know
And I'm pretty excited because
Which divided up in kind of a good way
There are seven DaVinci colors
Six Daniel Smith colors
Three Holbein colors
And one sennelier color
Oh yeah and one American journey color

Okay now I really do have to go to sleep
Good night sweetheart