Friday, October 30, 2020

 i'm so tired

that really wore me out

i guess when you don't lift the boxes

stuff wears you out more

i'm pretty impressed with myself though

not because it's so perfect


i thought i was gonna have a step ladder

and a level

and all i had was hangers

a wonky measuring tape

and a piece of mat board to use as a straight edge

there're a couple things that aren't framed yet

but there are frames to swap out

they're not being sent out for framing or anything

there's some stuff to tweek

but that's gonna happen

after the studio gets set up and organized

i wondered why there were all the tables


she's thinking about getting students

look just no, not right now


you are a high risk group

the pictures aren't all hung as perfectly as i'd like


i'm notoriously bad at hanging things

so it feels like a minor miracle

that i managed 

if you see something not perfect

you don't need to tell me

i know

i love you sweetheart