Saturday, October 10, 2020

So I don't know what you're going to hear out of me today I'm just going to tell you this so you have a pre-frame so if you don't hear anything else you don't worry
Or don't worry about me I guess
I was finished with my shower and I was on the toilet and I was thinking I should text my mom and find out when she's getting moved to her room
And I got a call from a doctor in the hospital
She was updating me on my mother's condition
What you got up this morning she was having trouble breathing again cuz she has fluid in her lungs
And the oxygen she was on wasn't getting into her blood so they put her on a CPAP that forces oxygen into the lungs
and after the first treatment of that it wasn't effective
So she said they were going to put her on another or she was right then on another session of CPAP but that if that didn't work they were going to have to intubate her
So I freaked out a little bit because they're basically asking if they can put my mother on a ventilator
and my experience with ventilators is really just what I've been hearing over and over and over again with covid
I won't go into all the details
But she was making it sound like this was going to happen in an hour and that she needed to know right now if there was approval and did I know what my mother wanted
I'm like no I don't know
And anyway so then I'm trying to call to find out if I can go see my mother before she's intubated
And they're all like no the visiting hours are from 1:00 to 5:00
And I'm like but I'm trying to get in to see her before she gets intubated
And they're like well I don't think that's happening
And I talked to her nurse who was like well she seems better now they haven't done the oxygen check yet blood oxygen check from this CPAP session but she seems better
And just about then
I get this text from my mother
and she's like they moved me to a new area because I was having trouble breathing because of allergies


so I gather that her condition is quite a bit more serious than what she's led me to believe
Continues to lead me to believe

and the doctor made it seem a lot worse than it probably is because she wanted to get instructions for the next step
without making it seem like there was any likelihood that the next step wasn't happening
For which I'm not overly appreciative

But I trust the word of a nurse over a doctor any day and two separate nurses were like oh I don't think that's happening
And her nurse seems super cool

So I'm going to go see her
and I'm not sure I don't think I can stay the whole one to five I think I can always stay one hour during that time

But I'm not certain how much I'm going to want to talk or how coherent I'm going to be
But that's what's going on