Thursday, October 15, 2020

All right I love you very much sweetheart I'm going to bed I should have gone to bed a long time ago but I just can't seem to make myself I'm not 100% sure what I'm doing tomorrow she's all home safe and sound she's got oxygen to do at night because her oxygen levels were dropping when she would go to sleep and they think she might have undiagnosed sleep apnea but they've got to test her out for that so in the meantime she's got oxygen she can breathe while she sleeps

But she doesn't have to do it when she's awake cuz she's breathing okay
She was wanting me to go with her to get her car tomorrow but then the woman who takes care of Shirley well Shirley's in kind of a halfway house for old people but the woman who monitors her and does all the stuff that she needs and takes her out and whatever all the stuff my mom's not doing that stuff anymore so the woman who does that is going to take my mom to get her car and give her a rundown on what's been going on with Shirley and while my mom was in the hospital

And while I didn't particularly want to do the whole car thing it wasn't my idea for this other person to do it it was her idea and so I think my mom may want me to do something with her after they get done with that but I've got no idea when that might be but I probably should be up and ready in the morning but I mean I don't think they're going to go super early maybe they will I don't know but there's a limit to how early I'm going to be able to get up now cuz it's like pretty late now I just have not adjusted to going back to day side very well

And I need to go through all my clothes and sell and or get rid of a bunch of stuff I don't know some of it's pretty cool though but when I decided I wasn't going to wear black anymore I got stuff and some of that stuff didn't turn out to really be stuff that I wore and then I've continued to acquire stuff and most of that stuff isn't stuff that I wear either

And during the whole time of the quarantine I pretty much wore I have two different shirts that I have three each of and I wore one or the other of those shirts for like 90% of the time
That's probably an exaggeration
But all I wanted to wear was those shirts
One of them was an oversized modal t-shirt
Not exactly t-shirt because I don't wear t-shirts but kind of a t-shirt kind of a fancier t-shirt
And the other one was a kind of a fancy t-shirt as well that has these ruffles on the bottom that's kind of ballerina-y and pockets which I never use but are fun anyway
that wasn't clear I use pockets I just don't use the pockets in that shirt
And at one point I wasquiring those silk woven shirts and I really liked them but the neck is really too high so I keep like pulling at it and it's not that comfortable and screwing up the shirts
So I'm thinking I probably have some stuff that I'm not going to wear and maybe I could sell it or get rid of it but if I could sell it then that would bring in some money and give me some experience with you know eBay or poshmark or whatever I mean I have experience with those things cuz I bought stuff on it but the problem is some of the things are really cool and I don't want to get rid of them but I don't seem to want to wear them either

And I thought I had developed a sense of my style and what I like to wear but 100% sure that I have and if I did I'm not 100% sure that I agree with whatever that was so I probably need to go through all my clothes and do laundry and all that stuff which sounds like a lot of work and kind of a pain in the ass

I hope you're okay

I love you very much sweetheart