Tuesday, April 16, 2024

I had a bad headache 
after therapy 
and the after therapy 
I lay down 

I just woke up

I was still in my clothes 
I didn't expect to fall asleep 
I didn't know 
what I wanted to say 
because I was thinking
about racket
and wasn't sure what I thought 

I gotta work at art supply 
I gotta get up at five thirty 
& I didn't set an alarm

I still don't feel good 

I gotta go back to sleep 
or I'm screwed
I didn't want you to think 
I just skipped 
well I DID skip talking 
I guess

I didn't skip thinking about you 
I LOVE you VERY much 
I'm somewhat still puzzling out
& I didn't feel like 
talking about therapy 
SORRY I didn't mean to flake

goodnight sweetheart 
I LOVE you VERY much 
🤠 I can't find an emoji for headache