Thursday, May 20, 2021

I know we've had discussions well we haven't had discussions I've had discussions for us about pizza
And I don't like I've never liked thin crust pizza which is what I think New York Pizza is but I've never had pizza in New York so I might not be right about that
And when I went to Chicago and had Chicago pizza you know I liked it it's good
But it's not really
What I thought Chicago pizza was
It's very dense and you can eat like about one piece of it
It is literally a pizza pie

Now when I was growing up I got something and it was my favorite that was called here deep dish Chicago style pizza
And it had a lot of crust
But the crust was very airy on the inside and very crispy like almost burnt on the outside
And it came out in these big cast iron pans
And I think I got it at Pizza Hut cuz I think that was pretty much where we went was Pizza Hut
Although there was briefly
Some sort of pizza place in the mall

But then at some point I stopped going to Pizza Hut and I don't know if that is still a thing they have there or not

What I've been getting for my adult life basically is pizza from local pizza places
and they're not really making claims to be any particular kind of pizza generally they're just pizza and they have thick crust and thin crust and I get thick crust
But it's like a hand tossed crust so it's kind of thick on the edge but it's not that thick on the inside and it's okay it's chewy it's good I like it
But I don't like any of it as well
As that kind of airy focaccia like
Thick crust
With that like very crispy very crispy edge
And then toppings and stuff on top

Well I think I have now found out that that is actually a kind of pizza
It's not Chicago Pizza
Because apparently Chicago has two kinds of pizza the Chicago deep dish and really really thin crust pizza called pub style pizza
And those are both things that you know I mean I could see the thin crust pub style pizza being good if you're in a pub and you're drinking and you need a little something but you don't want like heavy food right that thin thin crust that's mostly about the toppings would probably be perfect if you're in a sports bar and you're drinking a beer and watching something on TV

But I couldn't see order in that taking it home cuz bleh it's thin crust
And the deep dish I could see maybe a spinach deep dish spinach and cheese with a lot of garlic I could see that maybe being really good what I had wasn't that I think I had it before I was a vegetarian so I think it probably had Italian sausage and cheese
And it was super duper dense it was tasty it was really tasty but it was super duper dense and I can't see not more than you know a few times a year

But it turns out this kind of pizza that I ate when I was a kid that I really loved that I missed have missed all these years it turns out that's an actual kind of pizza
It's Detroit Pizza

Which I didn't even know was a thing

And this is a silly thing to write a blog about I guess but I'm just kind of excited

It doesn't even look that hard to make
No don't get me wrong I'm not going to make it accurately because I don't want Monterey Jack style cheese
I mean Monterey Jack is perfectly serviceable cheese Don't get me wrong if you only are going to be able to get one cheese and you need it to kind of work for whatever you might want to use cheese for then Monterey Jack is a safe bet but I'm not that big of a fan

I'm pretty sure the pizza I grew up eating had both mozzarella and cheddar
And pepperoni

But I don't really even though I have started eating meat again I don't really eat things like pepperoni cuz my guts can't really handle that and I don't really like them anymore I would probably not put meat on pizza
Or if I was going to put meat I would probably put like a turkey Italian sausage

But you know what I would probably do rather than putting a red sauce on the pizza is that would probably put pesto I really like pesto pizza it would probably put pesto with some little strips of sun-dried tomato and a lot of mushrooms maybe some green olives and some jalapenos maybe some garlic

But I think that on that focaccia kind of crust would be really really tasty

They've extended the flash flood warning through the weekend because they don't want us to ever leave the house again and that's not fair it's okay to leave the house it's been raining kind of off and on it's just that everything is very very saturated and so you know if it starts raining hard it only takes about 15 minutes for stuff to start flooding and that's partially because you know there's nowhere for the water to sink in but it's also because when it rains hard here it really really rains hard

I mean I was in LA one time and it was raining and it it been raining a lot as far as for how long it had been raining but it was like just above mist like the kind of rain that no one would bother with an umbrella well probably some people would bother with an umbrella but you know

And I thought about it later and maybe the reason why it was so freaky in addition to the fact that doesn't usually rain maybe it just takes a little tiny bit of rain before they start getting mudsl ides I mean that's possible
Maybe I'm an a****** for not thinking of that

Anyway these random people that I was running into were apologizing to me for the weather being so bad and I'm like this is great weather I don't have a problem with this weather
I mean I guess if you live in LA you expect it to be sunny all the time and not raining
But kind of cool and drizzly is Seattle weather and remember that's one of the places that I think would be amazing to live like everyday is coffee drinking weather That's why they drink so much coffee

Anyway now I've lost my train of thought I remembered the train of thought I was on before I went on to the divergent path about the rain in LA oh yeah I was comparing how when it rains here it's not like that it just opens up and pours well sometimes it rains softly
But that doesn't cause any PTSD
The hard rain really causes me PTSD
At this point
So like I could leave the house
Most of the day it's not raining
And if I was going to go to you know the grocery store or the post office or something close by I would probably be able to get there and back without danger
But you know anything that's more than 15 minutes away you've got to be prepared to stay there
It's kind of a strange way to live

But anyway my point was maybe after I can leave the house again I will get those ingredients and try to make that pizza because that looks really good to me although I don't have one of those fancy pans
I've got pans
And the difference between having the perfect pan and having an adequate pan is maybe only going to affect the quality of the crispiness of the crust
I think I can probably deal

I feel kind of sad about Detroit
I mean when I was growing up Detroit was you know one of the great American cities
And okay I didn't know anybody there and I didn't really have any desire to go there but you know you'd like see the Thanksgiving Day parade on TV and you know part of it would be broadcast from Detroit cuz that's you know America

And now Detroit is kind of like the wild wild West in a way
At least that's my take on it
I mean I don't really want to live in Detroit
But I wouldn't mind till like have the Detroit experience so I could kind of I don't know write about it
Maybe I wouldn't like that
Maybe I wouldn't write about it
And maybe I could get the experience well enough from other sources
I tend to always think all you need to live things before you can write about them but then sometimes even though you love them you can't really write about them

And I still kind of want to write about my native American spirit guide group
So I'm continuing to kind of think about that but I don't know I'm just not sure exactly how that integrates in

I'm super duper sad about not being native American
I mean I can remember saying things when I was younger like you know that I wished every drop of my blood that was not native American could be drained out of me
Because that was all I wanted to identify with
Even though I couldn't
I didn't have any tribal affiliations so you know I didn't count
And you know
I've looked at several things like you know
She was kind of billed all through the '70s as being native American
And she kind of you know look native American
But I saw something recently I was reading about her and her native American she got through her mother who is as white as I am
Her father is like Armenian or something

So whatever but you know

When I think about it it makes me sad

But I would still like to find a way to write about it not about my being sad but about the spirit guides and Quetzalcoatl

Anyway just thoughts