Monday, May 17, 2021

Well I did get up
But I had a really bad headache
So I called her and I'm like are we doing this thing today or not
And she's like no we don't do it when the elevator isn't working
And I'm like okay
And hung up and I rolled over and it went back to sleep
And I slept a really long time
I'm at some very weird dreams it didn't make any sense
About being in a safe space
And then some guy who I thought was cool
Telling me I needed to use female hygiene products or something

It was weird and it didn't seem like a dream I would have I've never had anything vaguely like that

And I got up and I scrolled around on social media on my phone and I went downstairs and I got some coffee
I checked Facebook which is only on my computer downstairs not on my phone

And then I started listening to that

I'm a thunderstorms are legit here now
So I got about 25 minutes into that and then it started telling me I was offline
Which probably has to do with the thunderstorms and I can probably get back online without any big problem but
I decided before I started doing all that I'd really like to take a shower
So that's what I'm doing now