Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Just recently
I had this little thought experiment
If I won the lottery
Like a really big lottery
Where I had enough money that I didn't have to worry about working or anything ever again
Where would I go
What would I do
And as far as places to live
I've lived here this is the only place I've ever lived
And really
Even though this is a very big city
I've never lived more than seven or eight miles from any place else I've ever lived in this city

And I've wanted to leave here
Since I was a teenager
I wanted to get some land off grid on the middle of nowhere and raise goats and bees and plant my own food and whatnot

But I never did that
If I won a bunch of money
Would I do that
I'm not sure

I've been talking about for years going to Marfa and living in a trailer
And I like Marfa
And I'd still like to do that

But I'm not sure I'd want to live there permanently
I've come to the realization that I think
I'd rather be in a blue state
With legalized weed
And I believe that was going to happen soon here
But I'm less and less sure

So then I think overwhelming beauty
That was my number one thing I said I wanted
And then blue state
And then bring the weed
And I would say low cost of living

Although if I want a big battery I don't need low cost of living

Now the place I always said I would love to live and every time I looked into it it was just too expensive
Every place else in the world I really don't want to walk I think oh you know that's three blocks That's pretty far
In Seattle I say it's only 17 blocks and it's mostly down hill
The air is just so clean and beautiful
I know I've had little fantasies about having a shop or stall or whatever in the Pike's place market
And maybe I would love that but I don't know

What I went to New York I couldn't handle it I had a hard time leaving the apartment because it was too much psychic energy
Just too many people or something
The idea of going back to New York to see my brother is scary to me
Not just because of the whole deal with seeing my brother
But because New York is actively frightening

Chicago I really liked
But let's be realistic I don't really know Chicago
I never spent more than a couple of days being able to roam around
I've never been there in the cold
I love Chicago
I feel like if I was going to live in a big city
Maybe Chicago

And when I thought about winning the lottery
The first place my mind went to
What's that house in Umbria
I love the stone walls
I love the yard
I love the way that house is set up
But I've never been to Italy
Have no conception at all of what it would be like to live there much less in a suburb of a landlocked province
I don't know

I think about living on an English canal
In a boat
And that seems really cool
Would I get claustrophobic
I have no idea

I think about Australia and Tasmania in Australia and I think I would like those places
I think they're beautiful
And the people seem fun

There are other places
I just don't know
So I mean if someone was asking me
If you won the lottery where would you go what would you do
Maybe I'd travel around a little bit
I've always wanted to see him in ways house
My mother desperately wants to go to Sanibel Island for some reason
I really don't want to fly
So I'm not sure how I was going to get to my Italian stone cottage
In my mind I'm going to take a long ocean journey
Although come to think about it it doesn't really sound safer just more agreeable

I like the landscape in the American West
There's a fair amount of that I haven't seen yet
If I felt like I could drive an RV
Which I don't I feel like I'd be afraid
Maybe I would buy an RV and just travel around the west and see all the beautiful skies

I don't guess I can really answer the question
If someone is asking
People do ask questions like this all the time
If you could live anywhere where would you go
I guess my answer to that is I don't know
There are a lot of places that I want to go
But I guess I don't know enough about any of them to know if that's the place I would want to be forever
And maybe nobody is asking that
Maybe when it's supposed to answer that question kind of a knee jerk what's the first thing that comes into your head response
But I tend not to be very good at those

Colorado is pretty
But for some reason I've never had the feeling I wanted to live there
Although I don't know why not
Probably because I associated with snow
And snow is kind of a unknown quantity for me
I've never lived a new place where it snowed
And I feel like it would have problems that I would be unprepared for

Arizona is pretty
But I think the people there are crazy
And I guess they voted blue in this last election
But I don't think about it as being a place that is liberal and free thinking I think of it as being a place where crazy people live
Pretty landscapes though

Marfa has seemed appealing to me
Because it is a very liberal artsy place
But it's still got a western feel
And you've got that big sky
Milky Way at night
But I think it's changed a lot since I've been there
And I think it's gotten really expensive
And I'm learning things about Texas
I just don't know

I didn't really like Santa Fe
It seemed kind of fake somehow
Like they had a real place
And then they decided not to let it evolve but to try to reconstruct it or something
I liked it but it just had a weird energy about it I don't know I'd want to live there
I liked Albuquerque
But I didn't really see that much of it
At the old market place
It had a certain artificiality to it as well but it didn't take itself as seriously

My favorite coffee shop in the country is on the outskirts of Las Cruces
But I haven't really been in Las Cruces

I mean now that I've realized I could spend a year really not leaving the house
Becomes more a question of
Where is that perfect cottage
And maybe
Maybe it's worth telling you
That when I found that cottage in Umbria
The search I was doing and YouTube
Was Adobe house