Saturday, May 1, 2021

So it's been raining off and on all day
But not very hard
And to the best of my knowledge there hasn't been any flooding around here yet
My stomach upset seems to be better I've been putting on cream so maybe it was hormonal I don't know I really don't know what to think

It's possible that my immune system getting all activated through my intestinal flora out of balance I don't know
Or could be hormones I don't know
That was better in fact that was fine it didn't give me any trouble today

But I did have a really bad headache
Which could be hormones or it could be weather I've got no reason to think it's vaccine at this point

I got up at 8:00 like I wanted to but now I've slept a little later with the going to bed I needed to go to bed by 2:00 and it's 3:30 so I don't know

The trick has seemed to be melatonin
I take the melatonin and it makes me very sleepy
But I have to actually take it

I love you very much sweetheart
Sleep well 💋