Sunday, May 16, 2021

this is a different color
I'm going to tell you something then I don't think I've ever told anybody before
And I hear people all the time say things like
Oh if everybody just knew this or that about me
They would hate me
Or they would realize how worthless I am
Or stuff like that
And I don't really get that
I don't feel that way about myself at all
In fact I didn't really have secrets
I mean I guess I had secrets
But kind of not
I mean there were things that I didn't tell most people but usually there were at least one or two people that I would tell those things to
And most stuff about myself if you asked I would just tell you because I wasn't keeping any of it a secret I wasn't ashamed of any of it

But this I don't think I ever told anybody
When I first got out of high school I was very very disdainful of what at that point we called yuppies

Nobody says you yuppie anymore
I'm not sure
If when people say Boomer
That is the same thing
I don't really think it is
But you're old enough to know what I mean when I say yuppies
You're old enough to have heard the phrase die yuppie scum right

So I was very much about that
And it was very disdainful of Richie Rich things
And my bad attitude about richness and money are probably part of the reason why I've never been too financially successful
And I've never been highly motivated by money

But even though
I was all not about Richie Rich stuff
When I graduated from high school and I was working at the bookstop
And it was a pretty affluent area generally
And there were a lot of yuppies
Weren't necessarily technically rich
But there were a lot of Mercedes
Cuz of course that was like 84
And everybody was trying to live beyond their means and so the yuppies were too
Or maybe they could afford them I don't know
But there were a lot of mercedes's

And I was very disdainful of them as well
Because it was all part of that milleu

But secretly
Oh so secretly that I'm only just now telling you
I think unless I told you this before
There was a Mercedes
That I wanted with like a burning passion
I don't know what it was called
It was convertible
And it was like super flat
Like a very thin profile
Not the bigger slightly curvier classic Mercedes
And the color specifically that I wanted
Because it was a specific car and a specific color and I found out what the color was called
The color was bittersweet it was this amazing kind of orangey caramely cognac kind of color

And I think bittersweet is a plant as well so maybe it's the color of the plant I don't know I didn't know that either at the time I thought bittersweet was just you know like bittersweet chocolate or bittersweet memories or whatever like that

But I wanted that car
I would never have bought that car if I had had well it doesn't make any sense to say I wouldn't have bought it if I had the money because the whole point was that I didn't have the money and if I had the money then I probably would have felt different about money
But it's possible that if somebody was going to give me that car I maybe wouldn't have even taken it because of the amount of disdain I had for that whole kind of culture
Greed is good you know whatever

So I never even admitted to anybody that I thought that car was beautiful and I wanted it bad
And what I ended up getting
Was the very furthest possible thing
One of those k cars
And it was a terrible car
Terrible f*** Lee iacocca

I ended up only having it for like 5 years
And the reason why I got rid of it will actually be traded it in it had already had to have the transmission rebuilt
And I had something else go wrong with it
I can't remember now what it was
But we had like
I say we I mean my mom and I
Had put like $800 or something into the repairs on that car and when we traded it in I think they only gave us like $600 for it

But the reason why we ended up trading it in is that even though it had a new transmission when I would be trying to merge on the freeway it wouldn't speed up and I was afraid every time that the engine was going to seize up or something because it I could feel it behaved really squirrely

And my joke was that the engine was basically a hamster on a hamster wheel anyway but I mean it was terrible terrible car and I hated it

I wanted
Well I wanted the Mercedes
But if it was going to be a Plymouth
I was like please please please can I get a Grand Fury
Which was you know a big steel car I think they were still steal at that point
V8 engine
And it was the car that was at that point pretty commonly used as a cop car across the country so I mean semi indestructible

But those were like 8,000
Instead of like 5,000
So no

And you know
You might say well at least you were getting a new car but I would have been perfectly happy with a used car I would have been more happy with a Volkswagen thing or a karmagia
Or even a beetle

But my mother was bound and determined that I had to have a new car because anything other than new car was not safe and might break down when I was out driving around at night

And I couldn't be in an unsafe situation because I would be
"Hacked to death and thrown in a gutter"
That was like standard thing that was going to happen to me when I was younger
Before I started driving around and going places
For some reason then I wasn't going to be hacked to death and thrown in a gutter

When I was a kid
I was going to be
"Kidnapped and sold into white slavery"

Very dramatic my mother

Anyway it wasn't supposed to be about my mother or my first car experience

It was only supposed to be a confessional about the car that I wanted and was too much of a what would you call that reverse snob

Or is it still snob
Just not a Richie Rich snob