Saturday, October 20, 2012

so, catching you up

i think it was tuesday
that would be the 16th
started happy happy blood time
and it really was

i think that last premenstrual thing was
maybe the worst i've had in a while
and maybe
it was sadder because of my step dad
i don't know

but tuesday
i was walking to the bus stop
and i had to stop in the esplanade
because the sunrise took my breath away

i was just lost in it

i've seen a lot of sunrises
but, i mean this one
the sky looked like an ocean and the clouds were
these pinky golden rippling waves
radiating outward from
the whatever-it's-called-now philip johnson tower
jutting upward ever upward
you could have stopped time

and that's when i thought:
god damn
it's like super duper anti depressant happy happy blood

but now it's all done
well, actually it was over yesterday morning
they're so much more manageable now

i bought that cleanser
the expensive one
which i can't really afford
and i love it

i've been a little mood-swing
not so you'd notice
but i'm telling myself
things that i don't want to hear

and then i'm blissing out on how much more
fulfilled i am for learning to love unconditionally

and then i'm making arguments for
whether i'm a real adult or not

so either i'm all self-actualized or i'm a fuck up
and i can make the case either way