i'm a buzz kill
why can't i just be all fun
the thing that's worrying me now
is that you think, maybe
that i think
you can't handle your shit
and i never thought that
i think
you might not have the girl perspective
and, i think i'm probably right there
but why would you
i love you
i think you're great
i'm in no way trying to tell you anything different
am i trying to tell you what you should do
what i'm doing
is, mostly, worrying
that i might fuck up somebody else's life
i'm not talking about debbie heather
my fantasies don't hurt other people
if they are realized they might
and i guess i'm just more sensitized to some than others
we don't have any plans
i don't know what's going to happen
i feel like what i should want for you
is that you not lose any one minute, ya know
and i feel selfish
that what i want is a family with you
and i know how all that worked out for me