so i changed it. universe work your magic. i am open and ready to immediately receive everything you want to give me. i know in the past i have had a lot of stuff that has held me back from being open to it but i know the energy of the universe flows through me-- show me the magic. and words to that affect. i went on for quite a while and i can't remember exactly.
i dreamed. i was in a place that was very foggy. there were two people. i'm not sure which was me. it's difficult to describe. it was kind of a battle or duel or ritual summoning type of action. the figure were like magnetically drawn together or something, but in a circular arching manner. they were shrouded in mist, indistinct, until they got face to face, then one said, i see you now, and the other one, on the next pass said, yes,i see you now too.
i was momentous, somehow, like crossing the veil or something. when i woke up i felt like i'd had some kind of breakthrough. also, ya know what, i felt completely refreshed. i had a headache, though. that top vertibrae (sp?) is slightly out, that's your problem. i used to go to the chiropractor for that when i was in my twenties. she would take my head and crack it in a way that always made me afraid that she was gonna actually break my neck. i levered my head around tractioning it on the pillow. i massaged it. well, i told myself, take some tylenol.
i had a headache, but i felt good anyway. nothing else specifically hurt and i wasn't groggy. i had a hot shower, i had coffee, i had asked for rain which was nowhere in sight-- guess i'm going to the studio. i didn't really want to spend the day with my mother, but whatever, no big deal.
i wasn't really into the painting. i did a few things but the camera was being difficult. processing, it kept saying. my father couldn't wear a watch, supposedly. his electrical energy would make the hands spin around, or it would just stop cold. was this true? i don't know. maybe. maybe not. is my memory getting full? this is an odd thing the phone camera issue.