Sunday, June 20, 2021

Okay now I have to take a break because it's it's reached the level where I am having trouble dealing with it
This is kind of a random box and it had a bag in it Ziploc bag that my mother had brought me at some point she'd been cleaning stuff out and she and I told her you know I don't need more stuff I got problems with stuff that I come by honestly
So you know if you find stuff of mine you don't need to give it to me I didn't remember about it probably
But she doesn't do that she brings me these little Ziploc bags of random crap that she finds that she decides is mine and sometimes it is and sometimes is not
And I don't think I had opened this one I think I just stuck it in a box
But it has the list of when I was making necklaces to sell at my Aunt Joan's work and has the list of the necklaces that I was making and checking them off as I made them and it has an envelope it says necklace money that had $7 in it although I made a lot more than $7 I don't know why there was $7 randomly in an envelope and it had pictures of me and my green grin and stickers from when I was into stickers and an Avon Coke lipstick
picture of me and the dance costume is from the dance recital that I had that was actually the day Jason was born and my father went back and forth from the hospital to my dance recital and Deborah was pissed cuz she thought he should have just stayed with her although I'm sure he wasn't in the room or anything