Thursday, June 17, 2021

So here's what's been going on today
I woke up and I had this little voice in my head telling me to go in my closet and take the first box off the top shelf out and look and see what was in it so I said okay and I did that

And then I was like she it smells awfully musty in here and then I looked around because I hadn't looked around before grabbing that box hadn't required looking in the closet at all
So I looked in the closet and the air conditioner is leaking and there is water
And I could hear a drip but I couldn't tell what things were getting wet and so I am cleaning out my closet
Which I have been dreading to do because it's basically just full of crap
And so I'm getting rid of a lot of stuff and that's good
But as I went through my two totes of old clothes that I don't ever wear but can't bring myself to get rid of I found this

You may remember I was telling you about the Diane von furstenberg shell that I really really liked that I think thought I must have gotten rid of because I hadn't seen it so long I missed it so much and if I ever found it I would post a picture of it for you well this is it