Tuesday, June 22, 2021

I found my Pee-wee Herman doll
Which I didn't watch it as a kid because I was already an adult when it came out but or maybe I wasn't an adult maybe I was a teenager cuz my brother watched it but I don't think he watched it as a little kid I think he watched it as a tween
But I just thought it was really funny whenever I saw the dollar originally so I got it it's like I don't know a foot tall 14-in tall something like that it's not in the box and it's you know dusty and whatnot but I did have it in a big wicker purse thing so it's not too dirty

I also found a perfume that I don't know if I bought it or if I got it free with buying something else or how I got it maybe it was in a sampler it's pretty small and I think it's it might be an eau de perfume or it might be an eau de toiletthat I don't know The writing on the little tiny bottle is so small that I'm lucky I got the name of it it's a pretty little bottle but I can't decide whether I like the way it smells or not it's princess Livia which apparently was a brand of cosmetics although I don't remember princess Livia

It's discontinued and people are trying to sell it on eBay I don't know if people are buying it
But I've got it on and I didn't I don't think I liked it originally but I'm kind of liking the dry down so that's kind of exciting

My head hurts super bad and my eyes itch probably from dust

Anyway I don't have anything else really exciting too say but I just thought I'd check in
They haven't come to fix the roof yet I mean ceiling so I suspect the work order didn't actually get put in