Wednesday, June 16, 2021

A front blew in last night
There was a bunch of rain
Anna didn't get a lot of sleep
But I did get about 5 hours which is functional level for me
When I woke up I was having serious sinus
My head hurt my neck hurt in fact it was like my head hurt down to my shoulders
And I was super duper congested
And there was another quality to how I felt that I couldn't quite describe but
I called my mother and told her I was not feeling it
Well I gave her more description than that but it's essentially what I just told you
So I took some Tylenol and I went back to sleep for a couple hours thinking well you know that'll knock out the headache whatever
But when I got up in a couple hours
It had morphed into like full-on migraine

So I have literally been asleep all day
Like 15 hours
And I'm very groggy
And my head still hurts

But I've got to do a few things
And then I can listen to stuff and write you stuff and all that other stuff

I had dreams and they seemed very vivid
But I can't really make any sense out of them

I had one where I was hanging out with some friends of mine who I don't know in real life
And I was super hungry
But they were not
And one of my friend said just go get something
So I went to their kitchen and I looked at the food that they had and it was
Kind of weird
But I was super hungry
So I had some things
And I was eating them
Unlike this tray from the cafeteria
And I became aware that maybe they were looking at me like I was eating too much

And what we were talking about
I don't know exactly
But one of the other people was talking about
How I was talking about people
Oh they should be forced to do this in that
And they should have this in that dire thing done to them
And I'm like well yeah but those are jokes those aren't serious
And they're like I don't know

So they seem to be saying
That I had crossed over into extremely unacceptable behavior in some way and needed an intervention

Then there was another section
Where there was this woman and she I think she shopped in a I mean I think she worked in a grocery store and I'm not sure if she was black or if she was Indian like India Indian or if she was both of those things
But she was definitely married to an Indian man
And lived in a very small house that may or may not have been adjacent somehow to the grocery store
and I was over visiting with them and their house was set up in a very different way than I'm used to it may have been a traditional Indian way
I don't know because I'm not all that familiar with room and furniture arrangements of traditional Indian homes
But maybe I was staying with them I don't know
And the husband was going out of town
For some business trip or something
And the woman who was I guess my friend was asking her mother-in-law if she could over the next week while her husband was out of town spend the extra money to buy western-style food so that she could introduce her son to western-style food because that would help him when he went to school
And the mother-in-law said yes she thought that was very smart
I'm not really sure what that was supposed to mean

And there was another part where I was at a gas station and I bought I guess I got gas but I also got a soda or something and it was two transactions somehow
And the woman gave me all my change from the first transaction which was like I don't know $8 or $13 or something she gave it to me and a big stack of ones
And I didn't want to put a big stack of ones into my purse so I was like well I'll just give her this money in her tip jar
I'm not really sure why she had a tip jar
And so then she went to give me my change from the other thing and that was like $30 30 something dollars I don't know I must have given her $50 although I can't really imagine that
And so she hands me this big stack of like 30-something ones and I was like well I'm not putting all that in your tip jar
And she's like what would you like to have fewer ones would you like bigger bills
And I'm like yes
And she's like well why don't you just say that
I'm like well I'm assuming that you wouldn't be giving me 30-something ones if you had something bigger
And then I had handfuls of pennies in my purse and I took all the pennies and I stuffed them in her tip jar too
Which wasn't that easy to do because
Her tip jar was like this big folded plastic box with a slot in the top of it it was clear so you could see all the money that was in it but it wasn't very strong
And you couldn't just drop it in the top you had to kind of shove it in the slot
And it was pretty full already

And then I had another part where I went to hairstyles to get my haircut
and explain the situation with what I had done with a cutting
And they cut the top in the back like really short so there was this like bang all across the back of my head it was really weird
And not like cool weird like dumb weird

And I'm sure there was more but that's all I remember right now