Friday, June 11, 2021

So I'm going to go to sleep
Not going to be sleeping for very long
But I think I got like 11 hours sleep last night
Maybe more actually
I think there's some kind of pollen issue
Because I'm very congested and my eyes itch something fierce
I had really interesting dreams
I can't remember all of them
But there was this one
I don't remember there was a lot going on there was a college
They were like midterms or something
There was some sort of a performance schedule
Which might have had something to do with pride
Or maybe
Maybe it was Mardi gras I don't know it was something really festive
And there was some woman who was leaving the city and moving to the country
And maybe this all took place in a small town

I've been trying to think about it and make it make some kind of sense and that's really the best I can do

But there was this one bit before I woke up
I was in this very small space
There was a stage but the people who were watching the performance were like kind of all around the stage and it was a very small area it was kind of like almost like a dining table or something
It was a raised stage
And there was this guy
And he did some kind of a performance
It involves costumes
And maybe singing or lip syncing but definitely dancing
And he didn't really want to do any of that
But it was required somehow
So he did it and then he threw off his costume

And then he was in this kind of tight bodysuit sort of but somehow
It was also like a stylistic rendition of a baseball outfit uniform jersey whatever
And on the stage your table or whatever it stretched out like maybe 10 12 15 ft I'm not sure
And there were a bunch of guys on the table
And they were kind of staggered
And stretching in various kind of poses or positions stationary

And the main performer guy
He threw the ball not very hard you know like softly because it wasn't there wasn't anybody he was pitching to
And the ball went down the row of guys and it touched every single one of them and then it got to the end and then it like boomeranged back and touch ed the other ones I know I said it touched every single one but it touched every single one in the first line and then it turned and it came back and it touched every single one in the second line because they were staggered
And then he caught it

And I was like completely overwhelmed
I was like oh my God that's the most incredible thing I've ever seen
He got every single one of the people out except you know it was like a magic trick or something but
I don't know it just affected me really strongly and I thought it was amazing and I told him I thought it was amazing and it was just I don't know

And I felt like like all the dreams I've been having since I've been doing these little meditative things before I go to sleep I felt like all of them have been some sort of psychological breakthroughs and this seems like it was a psychological breakthrough as well although I really don't know now what it was supposed to have been a breakthrough about

I know recently I saw this footage from a baseball game and I'm not even sure who was playing I just saw a clip
But the runner he hit the ball and then he headed for first but
But the ball got thrown to the first baseman
And really all he had to do was step on the base and the guy would be out
And there were apparently already two outs
But the runner he like said something or behaved in some way that made the guy forget that he could just step on the base and made him go after him to tag him with the ball
So he ran back towards home but while this was going on there was a runner on second base
So he just started running for home right so when the guy who has the ball the first baseman is chasing the guy back to home and then he realizes that there's a runner and he tries to throw it at him or something I couldn't see exactly what he did
But the guy who had been running he made it home safe so they had an extra run and then when the guy threw the ball or whatever he did then the ball was in play again and the guy who had been running the first but who ran back towards home started running the first again and somebody threw the first but the first baseman like wasn't in place or something and so nobody caught the ball and so he ran to second so it had been like two outs and yet they scored a run when there was no reason for them to have scored that run and the other guy got onto second
So it had to have been an error
It had to have been scored on an error
But it seemed as though that guy who was running the first had done something psychological to make that whole thing work and I was very curious about that

And so maybe that's where that came from I don't know maybe it was symbolic

I love you very much sweetheart πŸ’‹