when i was thinking about you in suspenders
suddenly i saw you
in the suspenders
some sort of like chaps
there was a point in my life
when i saw men in chaps
semi frequently
and it's kinda weird to see a grown man
walking down the street with his ass cheeks exposed
the front was always covered
i can't now remember how that worked
if the front was leather
or jeans
in your case
for the sake of this fantasy
it was the front that was uncovered
like your leather fetish suspenders
were holding up these leather chaps
and your man parts were exposed
i found that enjoyable
although the focus was a bit hazy
i, apparently, have a pretty clear idea
of what kind of penis i like
though i haven't really seen that many of them
and i'm very hesitant to paint myself a picture of yours
i guess i still think i might see it someday
and i don't want to ruin it
but having painted myself into a corner
i didn't picture the actual sex, either
i guess it was enough to watch you
strutting around
in leather chaps
i guess i should mention
not like leatherman black leather
and not assless
it had a more cowboy vibe
rawhide leather
and jeans
with your leather suspenders
your slightly out of focus
slightly morphing member
which now
i'm kinda picturing as a mildly pixelating block edit
some sexual thoughts
present and accounted for
= )