I can't remember my dreams
I was super comfortable
and did not want to get up
then I was super dis oriented
like I was travelling between dimensions
I used to get that all the time
like every day when I was a kid
that's what I always thought
that I just went really far
and there was something like jet lag
when I got back
I hope you're maintaining you're spirits
I'm trying to help with that
I think I let a sort of sad element
into what I wrote last night
I wanted to just say
that's not related to current events
and I'm sure you know
I've been a little depressed
for a while now
it's a good thing the progesterone's working
like a champ
you might be getting posts
which only said
good morning
good night
I feel like you need more from me that that
I'm still doing the sigil thing
and I'm still praying
but it's more like
come on god please
followed by talk about healing
which varies
I love you
more later