Monday, September 10, 2012

so, here's what happened

i had taken 1/2 a melatonin
because i had slept late
and that tends to mean
that i won't be able to sleep
i'm still not feeling right
so i needed to sleep

i got into bed
and it was exactly like i could feel you
getting in next to me
sort of snuggling against me

but then
we were in front of the fireplace
and i took some extra time
to imagine something comfortable for you to lay on
and then
i sorta
mounted up
wrapped my feet under your thighs
and started to rhythmically squeeze

and this line of fire
spread around all the walls
like a gas jet
and the world was on fire

i started moving

you were rubbing your hands
over my breasts

i guess the melatonin hit
and i passed out