Thursday, July 21, 2011

it's detox time again

and this time i'm doing things a little bit differently

like, i.e. not the master cleanse

but more than just the wheatgrass & chlorella
thing that i've done for several days, several times

i gave it a lot of thought
and i decided
i don't want to be throwing up a lot
so not too much cayenne
although maybe some cayenne
and i want more nutrients
than just lemon juice will provide

i want to target skin tightening
scar tissue break down
and decreasing tissue rigidity in general

as well as

and what i have decided will be the centerpiece
for this detox is:

which i have taken off and on
mostly off for a while now

of course i don't want to just take msm
and i don't want to 100% let go of the master cleanse model
it goes sorta like this:
msm instead of cayenne
royal jelly instead of maple syrup
i'm also using those emergen-c packets
[both the heart health & the immune formulas]
probably 2 - 4 packets
which gets in some vitamin a & d & zinc & plant sterols
and the msm doesn't taste so vile mixed w/emergen-c

and i'm still gonna take the superfood powder mix i like
and the wheatgrass and chlorella
[not just for greens and nutrients but fiber too]

but i'm also adding an herbal tincture
[basically essiac formula]
and noni juice
i'm not sure why noni juice
i remembered having good results with it before
and i had a friend who took it while she was on chemo
and swore it helped her
but now i can't seem to find anything anywhere
that tells me what it's supposed to do

my recollection
it's a tonic adaptogen

the essiac
is an herbal remedy
that's supposed to cure cancer
but it doesn't cure cancer
what it does is to help detoxify
the blood, liver, kidneys, lymphatic system
and sooth and tone the mucus membranes

i may eat some salads or green juice
if i get really really hungry
but it is not my intention

my plan was to do 10 days
but i may end up going a little longer
if i have to build up to larger doses or whatever
i plan to use it all up
so if that goes longer than 10 days
that's ok

it will be much more royal jelly than ever before
but i think that's ok

so this is a detox
but it's kind of a health building venture as well
and i'm not sure i should combine those
so i'll have to react to what my body tells me

i think i'm starting sunday
i'm easing into it already
i haven't had any solid food yet today
but i'm about to eat something
not exactly sure what