Friday, July 22, 2022

I got up this morning My back hurt
A little more sharply
And I of course had got myself all set up to move a lot of stuff to the studio today with my mom but that was all going to be a lot of moving and strain on my back so I was like You know what let's not do it today

And since we've got another month now I thought you know maybe I would just go ahead and take the day off and rest my back

Also I had a headache

So I was all set to not do anything

But then a guy shows up and I thought he was maintenance but it turns out he's a painter or something but he wanted to look at the closet so up he goes and he looks at the closet

And he's like oh we need to clear this out right now and rip out all the sheetrock

Because you know it's growing mold it's terrible
Now I know it's terrible I've been trying to get the m************ to fix the stuff

But I guess the problem was they did fix it and there's just condensation still because it's hot and I don't know whatever but at any rate from when it was leaking or whatever there's mold bad mold

So I'm like okay well I can clear the closet out but it's not going to happen instantly

and he's like well you could just clear this side out and I can put a plastic sheet over the other side and I'm like why don't you just give me like an hour and a half

And then a guy showed up for maintenance and I'm like there was just a guy here from maintenance will turned out that wasn't a guy for maintenance he was a guy who was going to paint it or something I still don't really understand

Anyway I did not get my full hour and a half I think I only got an hour
But I got it all cleared out I basically just threw away pretty much everything

Well, not everything
but about 75% of it

my back really hurts

I'm suddenly exhausted