Tuesday, July 19, 2022

So I went to bed about 1:15
And I was going to sleep until about 6:30
And then I was going to go tonight and work for a few hours
I wasn't sure I was going to do that I was just going to see how I feel
Cuz I don't want to overdo it and f*** my hip up again
It's to the point where it still hurts after I've worked and to some degree even before I've done anything with it
Although it definitely hurts more after
But whereas before the whole area was inflamed and it didn't feel stable like it felt like something was going to give out or start spasming or something to where I would be unable to function

Now it just hurts
And that's a lot better because when you've got a body part that you're not sure whether or not it'll function whether or not it'll hold whether or not it'll whatever it's a very
I want to say stressful but that isn't quite the right word I mean it is stressful but it's

I'm sure you've had experience with body parts you know a knee that you're not sure will hold your weight or whatever it's not like you know a life or death thing but it's a and it's not maybe even the worst pain you've ever had but it's just like I need to not push this because you know whatever I'm rambling at this point

It's definitely better but I told myself that I didn't have to go tonight if I didn't want to and I I don't want to My hip hurts and my head hurts and I do good as much sleep cuz I had planned to so I'm going to go to sleep now and my plan is to get up at like 4:00 and go but if I wake up in the middle of the night and I can't sleep or something I might go earlier we'll just see

I feel a lot of pressure to get this done
And you know times are running out

goodnight sweetheart I love you very much 💋