Thursday, October 28, 2021

I'm not even sure I can get to everything that was in this dream
I woke up with my heart pounding because I was racing to get to work
I had to be there at 7:45 p.m. for some kind of short closing shift
I had been there earlier no I had talked to the manager earlier in the day no I had been there I don't know I'm not sure but I talked to the manager earlier in the day about terminating and rehiring because that helped them somehow and I'm like yeah but doesn't that hurt me for benefits and seniority and stuff and she's like yeah but don't you understand that that's not what we're doing what we're doing is trying to maximize our numbers

And then I took this bath possibly at work

And there was some kind of big discussion about some kind of housing situation that involved a prefab house was made out of compressed wood and I don't remember what all was involved with that but it just seemed like a really bad deal

And then I went to a restaurant to get something to eat after the bath and before the job shift
And I'm not sure I actually got anything to eat
But I was in the bathroom
And the toilet paper roll was pantyhose on a roll
And there were two employees in the bathroom doing some kind of cleaning and solicitation
And then a guy came in who kind of reminded me of Joel Gray and cabaret and he was he opened the door and he was talking directly to me while I was in the stall and it was bizarre
And then I was having a conversation with somebody will know before that I was when I was in the stall there was some great revelation happening about how you couldn't just work for a company you had to figure it out on your own somehow even though you were working for the company
I was and I was like well if I have to figure it out on my own then why do I have to work for a company at all

And I was like what I really want to do is be a stand-up comic

Now is that sure is that true I don't know but in the dream I was quite confident that what I wanted to do was be a stand-up comic

And then I was talking to somebody about how these schools were using all these old new old stock pretty baby hand soap hand sanitizer products and how wasn't appropriate for elementary school kids

And then I looked at the time and I realized that basically I had you know 5 minutes to get to work or 10 minutes to get to work or something and I went out and got in my car
And my car was this really cool little like MG kind of sports car that was like a tomato red
And it seemed to work
Which a lot of the cars in my dreams do not
Well I'm not even sure if that's accurate
But I'm off and getting a new car in my dreams because the other one will not new new but new old car because the one that I had before is gotten lost or doesn't run something

But this one I had a cool little sports car and I was driving really fast to get to work
And then I woke up and my heart was racing because I was you know rushing to get to work

So now I don't feel very well but I suspect it's because of that adrenaline

And I swear that the woman who was the boss in my dream is somebody that I've worked with before possibly blended with somebody else
Because I had an awareness in the dream kind of a lucid dreaming awareness that she was someone I had worked with before but I don't recognize her

So I don't know I just find that all very unsettling

I'm going to go feed the cat before he kills me He's very unhappy with me right now

I love you very much sweetheart