Saturday, October 30, 2021

 i finished gasa-gasa girl

i recommend but not as highly as the first one

book two was set in new york

i prefer the AltaDena and L.A. setting

[the reader pronounces it like el Lay which i like]


i believe we're back with that with book three

snakeskin shamisen

i'm surprised i like this main character so much

he's a 70 year old gardener

he's kinda curmudgeon-y


in fairness

it's a female author who is basing this main character loosely on her father

so it's maybe a little gently with love

mysteries are really more about the characters than the mystery


i did like the mystery in the first book

after this one i don't have any more credits until the 15th

but i ordered two paperbacks from another series

not on audible

from the same author

murder on bamboo lane

grave on grand avenue

both are officer ellie rush mysteries

don't know if they're good

ellie rush is an LAPD bicycle cop who wants to be a homicide detective

i read something about the holiday weekend

and i was like what holiday is coming up

and it took me a bit to remember halloween

how are you doing?