Wednesday, October 27, 2021

There's a tornado warning today
Which is unlikely to be in town
Usually the tornadoes are out on the outskirts of town
But one time there was one that came through Montrose
Knocked down a tree in my mother's backyard
And went right through Michael Jones's apartment screwing up all his drag wigs

So I'm not really anticipating problems
But it's not like there's a root cellar

So I'm all showered and clean and teeth brushed and everything and I'm about to get dressed and make coffee
So that if the power goes out or anything
I've got the important stuff covered

If I remember correctly you're supposed to stand in the tub
But I don't really know why that would be and my tub is on the second floor by a window so not doing that
Then I think his door frame
But again those are all either upstairs or by windows
So I think if I have any real reason to worry which I don't think I do but if I if something happens it makes me think I do then I guess
I guess I'll just move away from the windows

I don't know I'm not going to spend a lot of time getting myself worked up about where exactly the best place to stand is if the apocalypse comes I mean come on

There is however some sort of a wind tunnel effect that's been happening a lot lately so the be this really loud wind like howling sound whenever there's any sort of wind so I think if we get high winds in close here I think it'll sound really scary before the tornado winds get anywhere near

But I really don't think they're going to Houston is a really really big place it covers a lot of ground area and they'll say there's a tornado warning if there's anything looking scary at any point of the whole city but there's a lot of open ground area if you get out on the outskirts so it's a lot more likely

Not sure why I've even telling you this stuff

I guess I'm a little nervous

Anyway I love you sweetheart πŸ’‹