Saturday, October 23, 2021

So I had dreams
Not sure they made sense
But I don't know there was a I want to say Fellini-esque quality to it
Although it's been a while since I've seen any Fellini so that may not strictly be accurate
But parts of it were actually happening
And then parts of it were on film
But not like a movie
Like a more like a home movie or a an installation more like an installation
They would be these very kind of elaborate setups and I wish I could remember what it was called it had kind of a pun clever thing going on but I just can't remember now
Where there were a group of people and they would be going through this whole thing into kind of a fake fight and whatever and so then it was waiting for you to come in and do the big whatever it was
But then you'd walk in and didn't be like you had no idea what they were talking about and you just totally deadpan it

And then there was it was like outtakes from something
Like maybe a group of you had been working on a project and you sat down on a break and just kind of wrote and doodled a bunch of stuff that was just you know doodles it wasn't designed to be a thing
But then you performed it and it was kind of rambling and incoherent and the video for it was mostly your lounging around in different positions very nonchalantly and it was really long
And there's a way in which it was just funny
There was a way in which it was kind of mesmerizing too because it was putting kind of the frame of mind as you were doing the thing You know it was like it's like if the Beatles had sat down and had tea and they just recorded it while they were making help or something
You know it might not have been a work of art on its own exactly but it was still be a really fascinating kind of slice of life behind the scenes thing

But then also there was like this ballet company that was traipsing around
I kind of got the feeling that maybe it was a Russian ballet company or maybe not actually Russia but one of the former Soviet Union countries
They were all very you know graceful and ballerina looking but then they were these group of people mixed in with them who were dwarfs and hunchbacks and people that you would not typically think of as ballerinas but they were kind of dressed up as ballerinas and traveling around with the group
And one of them
Before I had seen that they were this group of dwarves traveling around with the ballerinas she had been dressed up and her face was painted and silver and she had this wig and she looked like a child she didn't look like an adult and she was talking telling this kind of sexual history and it was kind of disturbing
She kept talking about servicing this person or servicing that person and it wasn't entirely certain it wasn't entirely clear to me that she was doing these things because she wanted to
It seems though she did but then she seemed like she was a child and so it was it was just very disturbing

It was something else important but I can't remember now You think back through it and see if I can remember