Saturday, October 23, 2021

I'm having a lot of trouble focusing
I started off this month thinking
I want to listen to a lot of books again this month like I did the other month I liked that even though five isn't a lot but you know what I mean
I had finished up Amrita
Because that was an included one
And it was about to be unincluded
So I had started it in that month when I listened to all the books but then I stopped because it was too much somehow
And then they told me like around the 4th or 5th of September that I had until like the 4th or 5th of October to finish it
I was like okay okay no problem
But then it was kind of a problem I mean I was like listening to it at one and a half times the speed or something trying to finish it on like the last day
And I really like that book
I mean I would recommend it
So then it recommended me convenience store woman was included and I've read that one
But I guess I read it read it not listen to it
Sounds like okay so I listen to it and to be honest with you I think I enjoyed reading it more than I enjoyed listening to it
Although I mean my situation and whatnot is different now than when I read it so I related to it in a little bit different way
And then I started listening to this one called where the wild ladies are and it's a book of connected short stories so I was pretty interested in that that wasn't an included one I got that was one of my membership credits that I get per month
So it's connected short stories and you know wasn't really a very long book it was either 10 hours maybe at the most I didn't more like eight but I'm having a hard time getting through it and I like it it's not that I don't like it but I start listening to it mostly when I'm going to go to sleep oh not exclusively but I find that my mind wanders and I'm not listening so then I have to go back or I fall asleep and then I don't hear very much and have to go back but it's kind of interesting because she's it's connected short stories but it's kind of based on the format of Japanese ghost stories

Anyway I think I have about an hour and a half left of that one

So if I can ever manage to finish that one
Included this month cuz it's Halloween month I guess are Dracula and Frankenstein and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Sherlock Holmes and I've read Dracula and Frankenstein and Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and I didn't think I had read very much Sherlock Holmes but it turns out there are only four Sherlock Holmes novels and I'm pretty sure I've read at least three of them
And then there are a bunch more you know like collected stories because I guess they were published in serialized form to begin with except then there were some short stories as well so I guess not all serialized and I don't know I feel as though I've read some of the short stories too so I mean I'm tempted to say well let's just listen to Sherlock Holmes
Especially since I'm all interested in mysteries and stuff but you know it's 63 hours I don't think I can commit to 63 hours
Well no I could commit to 63 hours but I don't think I want to I think I really want to have more of a more shorter book experience I am quite tempted by Dracula and Frankenstein though
When I read Dracula I had already seen so many incarnations of vampire stories and read many many vampire novels but I hadn't really had much experience with epistolary novels I feel as though I probably had read some things
Or at least some things that contain some epistolary parts but I can't think now what they might have been
And so I know when I read it it was
Slightly irritating and off-putting honestly
But then there were parts of it that were really really compelling and so it was kind of a battle of wills with myself and the novel

And then I can't honestly remember when I read Frankenstein I didn't read it when I was a kid or a teenager I was like a full-on adult when I read it but it's been many many years ago now
But it was so much more complex of a novel than I kind of thought it was going to be
Sort of philosophically in psychologically I mean
So whereas Dracula was kind of a literary challenge or surprise or not what I really expected based on all of my previous cultural experience with the theme
But Frankenstein I don't know I might be interested in reading that again to pay more attention to it literally because I can't really tell you what the format of that was literally I believe it had flashbacks I think it if I remember correctly

The creature goes off on like a attempt to get away from people to go to the Arctic or something and then they get trapped or caught in the ice or something but I don't think that that happens like at the end of the book I think that happens I think there's some skipping around in time
I just don't remember
And Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde I read that pretty young and I feel as though I remember it pretty clearly that it was not particularly complicated or complex really at all but was more of kind of a straightforward story yarn but it's Robert Lewis Stevenson right Wait now I'm not certain that that's right let me
I don't really feel a need to read that again

Then I also have a list of other books that I'm waiting to read or listen to or whatever

Then I'm kind of thinking about doing
I started doing like I don't know when I was a teenager
But I never finished it
And then I've seen the film in its shortened version and in its longer director's cut version and subsequently a miniseries
And subsequently this new one
Which is not the whole thing
In fact I feel as though it's not even half of it
I feel as though it really ought to be a third of it

But I don't recall there being any mention of it not being the whole thing prior to my watching it so I was a little bit bummed but when it was like about an hour and 20 minutes in I'm like oh there's not a chance in hell that this is halfway done so they can't possibly be planning to finish it off with this

But then another part of me really kind of wants just read Japanese books in translation

So I don't know my mind is pretty scattered I think