Wednesday, October 27, 2021

I'm watching these interesting videos
It started off because I saw one about menopause
Well it really kind of didn't turn out to be about menopause exactly
Or at least it didn't seem like that to me

I'm okay
I know I said I felt weird
And I did feel weird and I still feel a little bit weird
But I don't know exactly how to quantify it

I was a little worried that I was having some sort of physical problem
And I did take a little bit higher dose of nattokinase
Which I started taking again
And one of the things that can do is lower your blood pressure
I mean that's why most people take it
That isn't exactly why I take it
I mean I guess it is sort of
But it's more because of a paranoia about arterial plaque

And a couple of years ago I was taking it regularly along with Serrapeptase
And at one point I went on a trip and I ordered a tablet that was a blend of nattokinase and serapeptase so that I wouldn't have to carry two different pills

And that worked fine except that to get the doses that I wanted of each I didn't think that the blended pills were my best option
Because at that point I wanted to be taking a lot of serrapeptase to get a clinically relevant dosage but the clinically relevant dosage for nattokinase is lower

So I was taking nattokinase
And then I was taking what I thought was serapeptase on its own except somehow I ordered the wrong thing and the bottles look very similar and so I didn't catch it and so I was taking a really large dosage of nattokinase

And this was at a point when the cat decided he was going to just walk up and cut me when he wanted me to feed him and so I had a couple of really scary experiences where I had trouble stopping bleeding

And so then I realized that I was not taking the dosage I thought I was taking and I just stopped taking all of it because I decided it was too dangerous to do with the cat

But I felt like that perhaps it had been good for me to do even though it thinned out my blood a lot

But then over the last I don't know year or so I got nattokinase and I take it periodically I haven't taken it like on an everyday kind of basis at any point really

But I decided I was going to start trying to take it again more regularly
But it's a hassle because you have to take it on an empty stomach
And that's not a problem from an eating standpoint because I don't eat more than a couple of times a day
But when I drink coffee it's got soy milk in it and soy milk is food
And if you take the nattokinase with food then the enzymes will act on your food instead of acting on your body and since soy milk is soy well nattokinase is a soy enzyme so I figure it's most likely to act on soy
So last night I took some
And then I took some more

And I was a little worried that maybe I had lowered my blood pressure when it didn't need to be lowered or too much or I don't know something that I had done myself some mischief because I felt wrong

It's interesting and I don't know what your typical physical condition is I assume that you're super healthy and that you feel great all the time

And that might not be right but that's what I assume
But I've usually got stuff that hurts or that doesn't have a full range of motion or that doesn't work right
And so I have a also maybe not because of that but also like a systems analysis that goes through and says okay you know what's going on how is everything working it's like when you plug your car into the the computer thing and it tells you what's not functioning right it gives you the error messages and stuff
Well I've got a thing that does that and it just kind of goes through and says yeah okay check check check on all these different issues
And it's not really a big deal if it's something that you know is often flagged but if I feel some kind of way that I don't usually feel it sends off alarm bells and I go no that's a different kind of wrong

And you know it's a lot more likely that have a pressure headache and it's causing the pressure in my head to be a little bit off until I feel a little bit light-headed That's the more reasonable explanation
But then I have to kind of play out these scenarios where it's something more serious and how likely do I think that is and do I need to seek some kind of medical attention because I don't want to seek medical attention
But I realized that you know at some point there might be something that happens to me where I need to seek medical attention and so have kind of a paranoia about it but I also have a you know if you're going to live this life where you're going to do it yourself you have to be responsible enough to know that there's a point when you can't do it yourself

And when I was taking the really high doses of vitamin d I felt so much better
Did I just want to take high doses of vitamin d every day because when I was taking you know 75,000 IU's I felt great
But I don't feel like that's a safe level to take on the daily
And the covid-19 protocol is 50,000 IUs every other day
But if I do that I still feel s*****
So I'm trying to find a level currently I'm doing like 25,000 one day and 50,000 the next day
But then I'm taking magnesium with it because I don't want to overly calcify my blood and cause arterial plaque to skyrocket
I'm also taking wheatgrass tablets as my vitamin k plus it's also just good for you but I'm using that as my vitamin k because I don't want to take some weird artificial vitamin k and I also suspect that since I'm eating a lot of salads and a lot of green vegetables that I'm already getting quite a bit of vitamin k so I really don't want to be taking some kind of weird artificial vitamin k

But see so that reintroduced the idea of arterial plaque and that reintroduced the idea of nattokinase

But I also took melatonin last night
Which for a while I had been taking everyday but when I started taking the vitamin d with the higher doses of magnesium haven't had any problem sleeping I mean I still have trouble making myself go to bed but once I go to bed I'm back to my regular falling asleep right away
But since I was going to bed so much earlier than normal and I didn't feel sleepy I felt like I should take melatonin and I meant to take it before I went upstairs
And I normally take the stuff that dissolves under your tongue but I got upstairs and realized I hadn't taken it and I have some up there that haven't been taking that are just capsules

And while I slept 8 or 9 hours which should have been plenty of time to dissipate
Sometimes I feel like it takes a long time for capsules to dissolve and start acting in my system and so it might have been slowed down
And it could very well have been like a hangover from melatonin except that it was such a small dose at that just didn't seem like an Occam's razor answer

So I know none of this is interesting
But I'm just kind of letting you know how my brain is working

So all of this was supposed to be telling you that I'm okay but as I'm listening to myself I'm not sure that it actually is conveying that very well at all

But at any rate I'm not trying to say
Oh I'm having some kind of emotional crisis
Not having an emotional crisis

I love you very much πŸ’‹